Overdue Conversation

Start from the beginning

Jessa sleepily lifts her head off where it was resting on Jin's shoulder to look at Namjoon, tilting her head and scrutinizing his face. "Joon, is everything ok?"

Namjoon raises his brows as he looks at her before responding, "Yeah, she just had something to take care of."

"Why did you need to talk to her in the other room, hyung? Tae demands, scowling at his elder from the other side of the sofa.

"Don't worry about it, Taehyung. Yoongi asked me to talk to her, is all." He counters back, glowering at the way Tae was speaking to him. 

The others ping pong their eyes back and forth between the two, with poor Jimin stuck between them. "Ok then, can we all calm down?" Jimin questions the two. "I really don't want to sit here between you two during a pissing contest." Jessa snorts out laughing hearing Jimin say this. 

Namjoon glances up when Angie walks back in, no traces of any former emotion on her face. "Sorry about that guys, what did I miss?" She curls back up in the chair, her RJ stuffy in her arms.

"Uh.. nice plushy, Angie," Kook remarks, nodding at RJ in her arms.

She giggles up at him. "Yeah, I figured RJ was the better option to bring with me. This way, I'm not choosing favorites."

"Yah! Plus, everyone knows RJ is the best," Jin quips up.

The group talks for a few more hours before the guys head back home, promising to see them tomorrow at the fanmeet and making plans for the girls to come to the dorm afterward. After the guys leave, Jessa turns to Angie, pinning her with a look. 

"Ok, what really happened? I know it was nothing between you and Joonie because you would have come back WAY happier if it did. I've heard rumors about him." You wink at her for emphasis. 


"Oh.. 1 word and no nickname. It was bad, huh."

"Dickhead seems to think he knows what's best for me. That I need more than he can give me." Angie starts pacing while she rants. "I mean, what the shit, dude? Shouldn't I be the one that knows what I need or what I'm willing to settle for?" 

Jessa's eyes get wide, and she purses her lips upon hearing this. This didn't sound like the Hobi she had gotten to know. She listens while Angie keeps spewing the details of her conversation with Hobi. Finally, Angie winds down, sitting on the bed and quietly staring down at her hands.

"It will be ok, Angie. I mean, he might not be ok after Namjoon, and Yoongi get ahold of him, but things, in general, will be ok."

"It's not up to the guys to do anything. No one can make Hoseok do what he doesn't want to do, and in the long run, he doesn't want to be with me. So oh well. I'm going to head to bed. It's been... well, it's been a day."

"Ok, night. I hope you get some sleep. Cuddle RJ tight, hehe."


Hobi Hobi
Are you ok?

Not really.
But now isn't the best time. Namjoon and Jimin are having a 'talk' with me.
Is she ok?

Not really.
I'm not going to lie. You really hurt her, Hobi :(
She and I have had many talks about what it entails to be in a relationship with one of you, what with Jin and me. She knows what she'd be getting into.
Not to mention Angie is the type that requires alone time. She needs to decompress after being around people. She tends to pick up on their emotions and needs that time alone to re-center herself.

Heh, I guess she and I have more in common than I thought.

Yeah, I joke with her and tell her it's a Pisces thing.
Hey, maybe that's why Yoongi spends so much time alone or sleeping!

Hmm, who knows.
I better go. Joon and Jimin are glaring at me, even though I told them I was talking to you.

Good luck!


Take it easy on him, guys. He's hurting too.

Jimin read
Namjoon read



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