Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After Mr.Roven blew the whistle signaling the end of class, he had the girls go out first, I quickly ran up the three flights of stairs and practically bumped into the locked door. Damn it, I need to change quickly…Apparently, I just got a text from Sam saying that we had a Spanish pop test today. Yes a pop test and not a pop quiz and I had Spanish after this too, this just made my day!

A few girls came after seconds and the one girl I recognized; named Ashley, who is notorious for her nasty attitude grew impatient and started banging the hard gray metal door. “Open the damn door!” she screamed out loud while in the process of kicking the door so the lady inside the locker room could hear. “OMG, open the god damn door!” I rolled my eyes as she was making a fool out of herself, but people did need to get in. All the girls from the gym were on the staircase waiting but I didn’t blame the lady. She was of a good old age and well she had the responsibility of opening the front door for the yoga class. Well I forgot to tell you guys we were at the back door.

Thankfully, the lady came just in time and opened the door.“Next time, why don’t you open the door faster old lady?” Wow, that was a mean thing to say I mean what if the situation was turned around and you were the old lady. People should learn some manners these days. Well not all people, certain people, well you know what kind of homosapiens I’m talking about.

As I walked pass the lady I gave her a grateful smile and she smiled back a warm smile. She seemed like the kind of lady that would forgive easily. I have to remember to bring her some of my delicious home baked cookies at the last day of school. Yes I’m famous for my delicious deliciously yummy flavorful homemade cookies.

I started making my way towards my locker number 1026, there’s really no point of telling you my locker number, but I just wanted to and my locker combination is 04-17-0, not like you can break into my locker. Anyways continuing the story…

Suddenly Mazel, hopped onto my back. “Where the hell is my phone number, SEXYY!??”

“Well BABEE, I don’t have his phone number, I forgot to ask.”

“Well of course you forgot! You guys were having so much fun on the bleachers, it’s no joke you forgot!”

“Well yea we did have fun while it lasted, but he looks so familiar though but I just can’t remember where I had seen him…”

“Maybe it was your dreams, all those celebrity crushes are getting to you!”

“Well, maybe. Didn’t I tell you I have a secret list at home listing all the celebrity crushes I had?”

“Woahh, Saph, since when did you have a celebrity crush list?”

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. Saph meet me on the 3rd floor, and I’ll give you some answers to the Spanish pop test.

OMG, I totally forgot, crap crap I really need to change fast.

“Geez Saph at least care to answer my questions.”

“I will Maze, but not right now we’ll continue our convo at lunch later, I gotta go.”

I was closing the locker when Ringgg! The bell! I quickly rushed out of the locker room running to meet Sam. Crap all these people coming out of class are blocking my way. I mean I have to meet Sam, its urgent and yet these people are slowly walking to class.

“Some people need to get to class you know!” a voice shouted.

Everyone turned around to look at the person who yelled that out loud, except me. I took this as an advantage and slipped right through all the people.

I turned around to see the person who screamed that, but with all those people standing in the hallway I couldn’t see, well I just wanted to shout out a thank you.

I turned the corner and almost crashed into Sam.

“Hey Sam, where’s the paper?”

“Uhh, what paper?”

“The paper for the pop test duh!”

“Oh right, where did I put that paper?” Sam said as he started to search his pockets.

“Don’t joke around with me Sam, class is going to start in like 2 minutes!”

“Oh so how was gym with Louis?”

“Oh it was great we had a lot of fun and it turns out that he got pounced on once!”

“Ooooo pounced on purrrrrr purrrr”

I laughed at his purring, Sam can never purr instead he makes a constipated noise while well you know… and how do I know? Well we grew up together and we just know everything and I mean everything.


“Crap Sam, why did you distract me!? Now where is the paper!?”

“What can I say Saph, you get distracted very easily, especially when you see my abs” wag wag his eyebrows.

“Oh you’re so hot, Sam, can I come over afterschool too then?”I said sarcastically while wagging my eyebrows.

“Aren’t you forgetting that you have a pop test right now?”

“Oh shoot! I have to go!” I started running down the hall when I noticed that I forgot to take the paper from Sam. I turned around to see him smirking and waving the paper into the air. Oh whatever I’ll just have to wing it.

“My house today Saph!” Lucky guy had two free periods.

Just when I entered the room, Ms. Buries was handing out the test papers at the end of the room, so I snuck into my seat located on the opposite side and pretended that I was there the whole time.

“Ms. Grentil” Oh god! She noticed didn’t she?

“Your paper and please take out a pen.” Oh thank god, Ms. Buries wasn’t the brightest teacher but she can teach Spanish; which is also a reason why she teaches Spanish.

I looked down at the paper. Pshh we just need to conjugate the verbs into the preterite sense. Ellostuvieron (tener)una bicicleta. See that was easy, no rush. I finished my pop test with a remaining of 5 minutes left of the period; so I just sat there.

“Psttt psttt”

I turned my head to look at the most annoying and aggravating boy in this whole school, Walton Lot, aka cheat-a-lot. Seriously this kid doesn’t get the point of taking his own test without cheating.

“What’s the answer to number 6?” he whispered

I gave him a wth hell look, you know those looks where your eyebrows are scrunched and your eyes are like no I’m not that stupid to give you an answer. So I chose to ignore him.


Oh yea end of the period, lunch time!! I quickly got up and handed my test in and walked out of the door. As soon as I stepped out the door, cheat-a-lot came up and said

“What the hell is wrong with you, I asked you for an answer.”

“Well Walton, you could have used your own brain for once. You couldn’t ask other people beside me? Why me Walton? Why me?”

“Cause…cause… oh whatever Saph just leave it.”

“I thought so Walton.”

He turned around and started walking away. I just don’t like how people ask for answers when they’re taking a test; even though I just asked Sam for some answers; I mean I wouldn’t have used it anyways I would’ve felt guilty.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2012 ⏰

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