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-5 years old-

Louis! Are you coming to play with me tomorrow?

No Saphhy.

Why not?

I don’t know... Mommy said I can’t

Oh ok!


Yes Louis?

Can you promish me one thing? I cant play tomorrow so lets play family today.

yayy family!

You be my wifey ok? Promish you will be my wifey forever and I will be your hubby.

Ok Hubby lets go buy food.

-I never saw my hubby again after that day -


Crap, I can’t be late to class again I can’t afford to be in trouble!

“Saphiraaaa, wait for mee!!!” Said Sam my best friend since well…birth no not even, before birth. What can you say; our mothers were besties for life and probably planned to get pregnant together. Plus, that’s not the end of it; our fathers have been doing business together since they got out of college. They planned this, I’m absolutely sure that they knew we would be each others’ best friend. But I’m proud to have a best friend since “before birth”.

I turned around just for a slight second walking backwards to see what he wanted and Boom!

“Owwww!” I was falling backwards to the floor, expecting to hit my head first.

“Saphh!!!” I heard Sam say… but from a distance I knew he was laughing at me

But suddenly, someone caught me. The arms that caught me wasn’t strong wasn’t weak but average. Well thinking about it, picture this, don’t you always imagine that when a time comes and you trip or fall, hopefully some handsome attractive guy with strong arms catch you and fall you in love with him? I had always doubted that will ever happen but hey don’t judge. What can you say; I’m a girl with wild imaginations.

“I’m sorry…” said a guy with a normal deep voice.

See you know what I mean… at least expect a deep husky sexy and attractive voice saying sorry to you.

Then I looked up… Forget about all the things I just said, I take everything back

the guy that caught me had the most amazing green eyes I had ever seen next to Sam’s green sea foam eyes of course.

“Noo.. I should be sorry I should have watched where I was going.”

Then he smiled a great smile… (in my mind: awwww his teeth is so white and he has a small dimple)

“No it was my fault for standing here when class has already begun. I’m sorry again umm … miss…”

Suddenly, he flashed a small smile of embarrassment

“It’s Saphira.”

“It’s Lou”

“Omg! Class started! I’m going to be in so much trouble… Where’s Sam when I need him”

I turned around and around. He wasn’t there. That sneaky little spider ninja! Imma get him. I started to run towards class when I remembered and turn around.

“I’m sorry Lou! It’s my fault and don’t say it’s yours again! I’ll see you around!

Fated, but not FatedWhere stories live. Discover now