Chapter 3: The Return of a Long Gone Friend

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"Aww yeah, Kevin!"
Dad looked back, it was hard to hold my confident smile but my hypothesis came true, dad thought it was me from the past
"Let's do this, Ben!"
I gave him a thumbs up

"you have got to be kidding me" Dad exclaimed with his palm on his forehead for some reason
"Ooh, who do we have here?"
"Let's just get it over with, Kevin" I said as I felt sparks of electricity inhabiting my mouth

Kevin jumped through the air and slammed into the floor
his aliens had changed from last time, I could count: Gutrot for a head, fasttrack feet, a Waterhazard hand, Rath claws on both hands, Blitzwolfer's mouth, bandages on his back -- most likely Snare-oh. A Humungousaur tail, shocksquatch hand, shockrock back, but what I couldn't recognize was a symbol on his chest

"What's that, freak?" I asked
"Oh, you noticed it! How observant young Tennyson! This... is something an old buddy gave to me in the null void! He said he made his own Omnimatrix device before and was the assistant of Azmuth"
"Albedo!" me and Dad shouted at the same time
"Correct! It lets me mix and match! Observe..."

Kevin spinned the dial and his body pieces changed slowly over time. You could see him struggle, in some state of agonizing pain. So he stopped.
His Antitrix started smoking and he looked a bit worried, but shrugged it off as an act of confidence.

"Oh have I forgotten to show you a feature it has?? How RUDE of me!"

he presses on the dial and shockwaves go through his body slowly changing certain aspects of his body
"Ben 10,000, meet Ultimate Kevin!"

Dad looks at me "Hey kiddo. Get. Out."
"Can't you just go Ultimate Ben and WHOOP his butt?!"

Kevin takes a swing at Dad with his tail but Dad turns into fourarms and grabs it flinging him into many distant buildings "SO LONG, GAY BOWSER"

Kevin twisted on his dial, then held his hands in the air "Habada Habada Habada Habada Habadada!"
He created a massive ball of energy -- most likely using Atomix -- above his head. One you'd see on one of those Shonen fighting anime shows.

The ball was approaching, and fast. I jumped up towards it without a worry and absorbed it in with a quick swoop. "Hey Kevin!", I hear him grunt.
"What goes around..." Dad Joins in, and turns into Atomix charging his blast "COMES AROUND!"

The impact of the blast entirely collapses Kevin. Turning him back into his human form. Silence. Kevin's body starts shaking. He grins. And twists his dial. "You know... unlike you chumps, nothing's really stopping me from just doing this again, and again, and again, and AGAIN AND AGAIN...!" and as he continued, his body was growing in size, taking the shape of a to'kustar.

"You still name your aliens Tennyson? Pathetic!" he says as he raises his foot and almost crushes us. If it weren't for dad's quick thinking and turning into xlr8, we would have been ground beef!

"Hey Kevin!"
"What do you want peasant?"
"There's probably Celestialsapien DNA in that!"

Dad looks at me in anger "You IDIOT!"
I look at him reassuring him that I know what I'm doing
(I indeed, was not entirely sure if I knew what I was doing)

"There's a Celestialsapien?... in this thing?"
"And you think I'm stupid enough to actually fall for that"
"try it"
Kevin spins the dial, his body changing frequently as he shrieks, looking for Alien X
He freezes in motion...

Dad starts crying "We're doomed boy, what have you done?"
"Don't worry Ben, there's no way he can get control over Alien X and commit whatever evil deed he wants them to agree to"


Kevin is still turning on the antitrix dial. Sweating, tears filling up his eyes.

I was looking at Dad, his eyes widen. And when they do, they light up in a reddish-orange hue.
The ground beneath me was shaking. it was getting hard to hold my grip... wait... it's not the ground... I look up. A giant explosion. A giant explosion covers the sky, my vision is blurry and my ears are ringing, the screams of civilians running.

A small, metal object hits the floor, the shape of the Antitrix. I see Dad -- for the first time in my life I see Dad -- mouth wide open with genuine terror, "Kevin...".

And all, turns red.

End of Chapter 3

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