I curse to myself. He had wavy hair, my biggest weakness when it came to guys. Tiny bits of brown strands stood up from the pressure of his mask— helmet hair is what I believe they call it. His jawline was finely carved, and it was clenched so tight at the moment, I thought he was going to break his teeth. He was angry—while I couldn't keep my eyes off of him.

"Now would you take my hand?" He asks. His voice had changed from when he wore the mask. It sounded so much silkier and soft, it could even put a baby to sleep.

I grimaced, regretting the words that came out of my mouth just moments ago. "N-no." Oh my god, of course I had to stutter. I was so compelled by his face reveal, I forgot how to speak english. "Just because you showed your face doesn't mean I'll change my mind, idiot."

I laugh in my head. I was being such a hypocrite—but I loved it.

Instead of Hudson lashing out or raging, he simply nods and goes back to sit, leaving his helmet lying on the ground.

"I seriously don't know what to do anymore, Mara. I've tried absolutely everything to get you on my side yet you still defy me. King Red will not be happy when I report to him tomorrow."

I look to him with suspicious eyes. "What will he do to you?" I question, curious as to what his life was like. I knew he couldn't and wouldn't hurt me. So why shouldn't I get to know him better since he won't leave me alone?

A pained look flashes in his expression, as he propped his head atop of his hands. "First, he'll get angry. So angry, not even my rage fits could compare to his. Then since I'm a mutant, he'll send me into a prison cell and starve me for a couple of days, but that's not bad. Most likely he'll do reform, bla bla bla. To sum it up, he'll just get even."

My eyes widen, whatever reform was, it didn't sound very pretty. This was the first time we were talking about something besides taking hands, or joining evil. What if he was stalling, or secretly was plotting to murder me? I had seen it too often in movies—and I wasn't about to become a part of one. But right now, he was guilt tripping me over anything.

Either way, I stand up, walking over to his chair in the corner. He watches my every step with cautious eyes as if I were going to attack. Jeez, I'm not a rabid dog.

"Hudson," I place a hand atop his. I kneel over so that I was somewhat eye level with him. "No human or mutant should ever be treated the way that King Red treats you. That's called abuse," I claim to him and he simply stares at me with a neutral expression.

"It is the ways of evil, Mara. Neither you and I cannot change the outcome of that," he speaks softly. After all of this time, he still hadn't removed my hand from atop of his. I had no idea how we were able to make skin contact through our bond, yet other objects would simply fly straight through us.

"Yes, you can change the outcome. Hudson, you should join us. Join the Rebels and fight for a good cause. I can see deep down there is hope in you for a better life," I say staring into his green eyes, hoping to change his perspective on evil.

"The Rebel group was dead to me many years ago," Hudson spits, his words increasing in fury. "Tell me, did Priscilla tell you what actually happened, and not some fake, innocent lie?"

I nod my head, looking to him with firm eyes. "She told me you were a murderer," I say viciously, recalling how he killed the dozens of mutants. "The last thing she saw were your green eyes, torn between the light and the dark."

Hudson's eyes turn red, as he summoned his powers. And me, being the idiot, stared straight into them, which easily gained me access of a front row movie screening. He was going to play the memory through my head.

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