26 - You had one job

Start from the beginning

Jackson steps closer to him starting to choke him and guns cock all around us. He was chubby, pale, and short. He looked older so I don't know why he was testing Jackson.

His action made everyone tense up immediately, everyone cocked their guns. My hand gun was in my hand cocking it with the rest. I surprised myself with my fast reaction.

"You're wasting my time Derek." Jackson says oddly calm.

"Well how can I say...if I can't breathe." The guy, Derek chokes out.

"Jackson baby," I say looking all around us still holding it up to the guy who was next to the person he was choking. I'm gonna assume it was Chaz.

I'm not gonna shoot anyone the hell I look like, but if I played the game like I was, then I'd be fine.

The guy I was pointing my gun at starts to speak. "Kill him we kill your family...and her." He motions to me with his gun, threatening Jackson.

"Bullshit Chaz." Jackson says turning back to the guy that was now turning a different color. All of this shit was the same empty threats that lead to gunfire, I'm calling it right now.

"Jackson, let him go." I say softly and he looks down at me dropping him and then kicks him backwards.

"So what do you want?" Jackson asks the guy thst threatened him.

"Territory dispute." Chaz smirks. "And just to let you know we're expanding our crew. Watch your back." He smirks sending creepy chills down me.

"Stay outta my way and we'll stay out of yours. None of us own territory." Jackson spits, completely ignoring the last part.

"Failure to comply, I'm sorry but I'll just have to-" He chuckles sinisterly. "Cut her."

Bitch me? Oh naw.

"Put your fucking hands on her and I will kill you." Jackson speaks clenching his jaw. It looked like his teeth were going to crush with all the pressure he was putting on them.

"Bullshit." He mocks Jackson's words from earlier. Chaz started charging at me, like a fucking horse. I kinda panicked so I shot his foot.

Awe fuck. Did I start the shoot out this time? I was surprised that I wasn't dead by now.

I pull Jackson down as other shots start to be fired. "Fucking hell," Jackson mutters grabbing his gun starting to shoot people. I noticed that he didn't aim to kill, unless there was a major threat.

"Only a few more days." I grumble and he just looks at me shaking his head, laughing quietly.

Jackson mumbles some things under his breath and that just meant that he was talking to people over his ear pierce. I was just glad that his guards had AKs and shit because I did not have it in me to kill someone, not yet.

"Fuck, babydoll we gotta move." He says pulling me up and running. There was literally nowhere to go. Running in gunfire, never sounded so fucking delightful. We ran until he saw a dumpster and he pulled me down once again. I was going to be sore. My heart rate increased and I hated this feeling.

"Come the fuck on just call your shit off already." He mumbles. We ran through so many bodies lying there on the ground it was gross.

I heard footsteps nearing and I hit Jackson to get his attention. Jackson aims up until the footsteps slowed down.

"Oh Adrian what the hell, I almost fucking shot you." Jackson groans going back to peaking out.

"Kiona why are your sweatpants red? Oh my god you're bleeding." Adrian's eyes go wide.

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