Loss of Time

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A feeling but a loss of emotion

I wake up but yet I'm asleep

How do I come to understand this deep constant feeling of nothing and everything colliding all at the same time.

Time is continuous never ending even when we are dead time still haunts us causing us to decay to all but slowly fade away. Time steals your long wanted stumber… your need for rest takes away time. How can I start to say that nothing is ever the same, you wake up and you may say;'Tis this maybe a better day?'. But how I ask can a day be great but yet still the world is at war and the suffering taking upon the world, is it selfishness I ask for you to think it is a great day for you it may luck it may seem or the Divine of unknown for which you show gratitude. Loss of emotion but yet how do I ever begin to ever let it end?

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