Love, Amalia

Amalia had seemed like the person I would be best friends with. In more ways than one she reminded me of many friends that I had left behind in Omaha. I quickly replied telling her that we should meet up for dinner tonight if she was free. I sent her my phone number and told her to text me if she could or if she couldn't,

Then I clicked on the email from Marisa. Her email was rather long. She explained that she had just flown in from France and that she was going to the university to check in today. She asked if she wanted to meet up in our room around 11:30. Then we could go out for lunch and go shopping for the room. She had given me her cell number so I texted her that her plan was great. I told her I would see her at 11:30. She texted back immediately. She must have been standing in line. She said it sounded great and she was excited to meet me.

After taking a quick shower, I got dressed and did my hair and makeup. I grabbed my purse and headed for the university.

I was sitting on the floor texting Liam when Marisa walked in. I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket and stood up to greet her.

"Hi!" she squealed as she entered the room. She was tall and lean with gorgeous black hair. Her form was fit with visible muscles. Her deep brown eyes reminded me of Zayn's. They almost looked black. She was wearing a green and white plaid shirt and adorable jean shorts. She had on a tall pair of brown boots.

"I'm Marisa," she smiled.

"Charlotte," I said extending my hand. "It's nice to meet you!"

"You too," she laughed. "I hope you know where we can go to buy some stuff. This place needs a serious make over but I have no idea where any stores are!"
"No worries," I consoled her. "I looked up some places this morning before I left."
"Oh goodie!" She and I were clearly going to get along. She held the door for me as we entered the hallway and made our way down to the front door. "So I was talking to this really adorable British guy while I was waiting in line and he told me of this restaurant that is supposed to be really good. Would you wanna check it out? I have the address."

"Sounds perfect! I'm starving!"

The afternoon passed quickly. I learned that Marisa grew up in London before moving to Paris when she was thirteen. Her biggest dream was to move back here. She had seven brothers and sisters who lived with her mom and step dad. Her dad had left the family when her baby sister Avery was born.

She wanted to major in education but her parents told her to go for business. She was a huge runner and loved soccer (football... whatever it is here). She loves to shop and eat. We were going to get along just fabulous.

We tossed many things into our shopping cart to decorate our room. We got posters and picture frames along with matching bedspreads that were pink, yellow, and orange. We got room hangars and curtains along with wall decals and a full length mirror. She paid for the refrigerator and I paid for the microwave. We split the cost of the coffee maker and all of the food we had tossed in. By the time we returned to the campus at four we had way to much stuff, but our room was going to be awesome.

We decided to stack out beds into bunk beds so that we could buy a sofa and a TV. We made up our beds and unloaded our bags. By five o'clock our room looked completely different.

As I collapsed onto the bed that would soon be my permanent place of rest my phone rang. It was Amalia. I answered it and she apologized for not getting back to me sooner but said she'd still love to meet up for dinner if I was still available. I told her I was and she gave me directions to a restaurant that she said was her favorite. I told her to meet me there at 5:45.

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