Chapter Thirty Three

Start from the beginning

"Nothing. Who pounded it?" Semiloore asked.

"Me" Nathaniel said.

"You or your mom?" Semiloore asked again.

"Me" Nathaniel said again insisting.

"You keh?" Semiloore asked.

"Ya! I said I pounded it myself" Nathaniel replied laughing.

"With that your hand? That same thin hand? Na lie"

Nathaniel's laughter rang in her ears as Semiloore felt tingled all over.

"You are laughing" Semiloore teased.

"What do you want me to do then? Don't worry the next time am pounding yam I'll make a video" Nathaniel replied.



"Thank you"


"Thank you for everything on this excursion"

"My pleasure"



"About the kiss........can't you pretend that didn't happen?" 

"Reasons why I should?" Nathaniel asked.

"I got in an argument with Tammy earlier today" Semiloore said her voice going low.

"About what?" Nathaniel asked ignoring the fact she had just buried the matter at hand.

"Joe, I blamed my mom" Semiloore said slowly.

"Why blame her?"

"I don't really know Nathan, I guess am really stressed out"

"You'll be fine"

"What makes you so sure?" Semiloore asked.

"You could call it eighth sense" Nathaniel replied.

"Eighth sense? Seriously Nathan?" Semiloore asked laughing.

"Seriously" Nathan replied in a teasing voice.

"That was all you could come up with? I'm disappointed"

"Doesn't matter,I achieved my aim"

"What aim?"

"You laughed"


"I wanted to hear you laugh"


"Apologize to her,she won't be that angry"

"I know she wouldn't"

"So apologize already okay?"


"When did you wake up today?"

"Past 8,you?"

"To 2"

"In the afternoon?"

Nathaniel's laughter rang in her ears once again
"Can you stop laughing so loud?" Semiloore asked.

"I'm not,I think you are the one holding the phone too close to your ear" Nathaniel replied.

Semiloore swallowed her saliva,she wasn't holding the phone too close;she was pressing it to her ear, like she wanted the phone should enter her ear.

"Okay whatever"

"Such a heavy sleeper"

"I'm not a heavy sleeper,I was just stressed"

"Did anyone try to wake you up?"

"No, why?"

"Proves my point"

"I'm not sincerely"

"You are"

"I'm not!"

"Of course you are"

"I'm not"

"Semiloore is a heavy sleeper,heavy sleeper,heavy sleeper,la la" Nathaniel sang teasingly.

"Are you deaf? Can't you understand basic human language? I said am not an heavy sleeper and you still insisting. What's your fucking problem!? Huh?" Semiloore asked her tone cold and harsh.

"My apologies,Good night"

Nathaniel had hung before Semiloore could say another word.

"Fuck! What did I just do?"

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