Red Stain Orange Shield

Start from the beginning

The muscular man wears a long red scarf, a simple mask, he is yelling out wildly at the center of the action.  "Heroes of this city lounge around fat and lazy, while we all have to work!  They don't deserve the luxury that they have! Stain is right!  Stain is righteous!!There are no more true heroes that help! All of them want for profit!  I, Red Stain am here to reveal that the heroes of this city are FAKES!"

Pinned to the ground immidiately next to Red Stain is Hinako, who has fallen on her side, and since covered in the goo, some of the red goo has begun to crystallize around her.  Stuck holding Hinako's hand is a young waitress, that is attached to Hinako holding her hand as she attempted to pull her out of the goo.  The two women are looking about panicked not sure what the crazed villian may do next.

"Time you quit paintin' the town red pal!", Fatgum stands ready for a fight making sure to have a large smile on his face as he does so.

"Oh no its LazyBum! Whatever will I do?!", Red-Stain mocks him in a childish sarcastic tone. "HA!  As if!".  The goo comes streaming out of his hands directly at the BMI hero.

Fatgum guards his face but allows it to hit his body, shielding other fleeing people behind him.   'Gotta get him fast!  Before more people are caught up in this guys goo!', the goo that hits him begins to crystallize right away.  'Goo to crystal, in my apartment it stayed goo, so this guy must have control over when it crystallizes, maybe it can go  back too?'

"Pretty messy quirk ya got there!", Fatgum says trying to provoke the villian into revieling more information.

Red-Stain glares at the still smiling Fatgum, "Just you wait!", he reaches out with the same hand that threw the goo, he clenches the out stretched hand into a fist.  Fatgum feels the goo on his shirt crystallize and begin to shrink.  Pulling his costume taunt limiting his movement, 'so he can control the crystal after the fact too... gotta get them out as fast as possible then!'

Fatgum rushes forward at the villian to push him into his stomach.  As he hears the cries of others in the crystal, including Hinako.  "Stay back! Or I crush em all!"

Fatgum stops dead in his tracks as the people scream out in pain.  Less then half a block between the hero and villian, "Ya got a problem with heroes then come at me!  These people got nothin' to do with it!"

"I disagree! These people are also fakes! Their blind to the failings of society allowing it to continue! They are complacent in your laziness allowing it to continue.", with his left hand he creates more of the goo, as he does so his right hand takes it creating a large floating crystallized fist.  "I will crush them and you into pulp!  And from it those who are chosen by Stain will create a new better society!", he raises his right arm moving the newly made crystal into the air as a large fist.  "Now the real question is, how many hits does it take to turn you into pulp! FATGUM!"

Fatgum raises his arms to protect his head once more, as the crystallized fist beats into him.  His large form being pushed back with every blow, he looks down just time to step out of the way of a pile of the red goo.  'Dammit, guys trying to keep me guardin' so he can push me into this stuff!  I gotta make an opening!', there is a man stuck in the crystal that Fatgum moves to be in front of.

As the red fist pulls back, Fatgum uses some of the stored power from the blows and channels it into a firm kick, the kick only manages to crack the red crystal around the man's leg.  "Please help!", he pleads up to Fatgum his leg still stuck in the crystal.

Suddenly, Red-Stain yells out, "What the hell! Hey you little bitch!", the crystal pummeling stops for  brief moment.

Fatgum drops the guard around his face for a moment, seeing a young high school girl with red stained hands cleaning the crystal off of one of victims.  She looks up in horror as the fist has turned on her, "Sara! DUCK!", Fatgum isn't able get in front of the crystal fist fast enough, so instead he is forced to punch it.

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