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"Jules baby, sayang. Hellooooooooooo"

Shawn menggoncang bahu ku berkali - kali.

"Ah yes ye sayang. Kenapa?"
"Where did your mind goes off to? Banyak kali panggil tapi tak dengar."
"I was....."

Aku menoleh sekeliling. Aku melilau mencari - cari kelibat susuk tubuh yang menegur aku tadi, yang buat roh aku melompat keluar dari jasad.

"I think I saw Teng."
"Yeah, me too."
"What the actual fuck? Seriously?"
"Yeah. He tegur you but you keras membatu. So, bila I datang dekat he quickly runs away."
"I thought it was an imagination."
"Tak lah. You okay ke?"
"I okay. Tapi kepala i sakit lah so sudden. I balik rumah Mother dulu lah."
"I ikut. Kerja boleh tunggu. You tu priority i."
"Okay sayang."

Shawn berlari anak masuk ke dalam office nya dan membawa begnya keluar.

"Guys I have to go. Emergency came up. You guys can manage kan? Call me if anything. Nat, you incharge now. Let me know apa - apa."
"Sure boss!"

Shawn terus mencapai tangan aku.

"Jom sayang. Let's go."
"Can we drop by to the....."
"Groceries store? Sure. Hold on."

Beep, beep, beep....
Trutt trutt, trutt trutt....

"Hello Mother. Shawn here. We both coming to your house for dinner. How about grill salmon with aglio olio for tonight? Is it okay?"
"Anything boleh Shawn. Pasta ada dekat rumah. Just get me some clams and prawn. Boleh?"
"Sure Mother. Thats it?"
"Yeah. Be careful sayang Mother. Love you."
"Love you too Mother. I will."

Aku menjeling Shawn.

"Tu mak i ke mak you?"
"Mak kita."

Shawn tertawa ringkas.


"Thank you Shawn sebab masak. Mother tak larat betul."
"Its okay. Anything for both of you."
"Jules, is everything okay?"
"I okay Mother."
"She's worried."
"Kenapa Shawn?"
"Teng dropped by the store today."
"He——he what? Dia kacau both of you ke?"
"Eh tak. He approached Jules at first but Jules keras membatu tengok dia macam nak telan. So bila I datang, he scoofs away."
"Weird. Dia dah keluar?"
"I'm not sure la Mother."
"Did you guys meet Malis?"

Aku bangun.

"I'm tired. Sakit kepala. I tidur kejap ya. Sayang, I tidur sini ya. If nak balik, you go ahead. Esok i balik."
"Its okay, both of you tidur sini. I don't mind."
"Okay Mother. You both keep talking ya. Don't mind me."

Shawn dan Mother melihat aku menaiki anak tangga. Mereka berdua menghela nafas kerisauan. Dan aku? Beribu persoalan bermain di kepala aku. Apa yang aku rasa ini? Kenapa aku keras bertemu dengan Teng tadi? Macam mana dia boleh ada dekat sana? Dia dah keluar dari penjara ke? Baru setahun lebih. Aku mengeluarkan handphone aku dari beg dan mencari nombor Malis. Aku menghantar message di Whatsapp kepada dia.

Jules: Malis.

Selang berapa minit.

Malis: Yes Jules?
Jules: Dekat mana?
Malis: Dekat rumah. Andhi demam. Tapi okay dah. I bawak dia pergi clinic.
Jules: Can I ask something?
Malis: Sure.
Jules: I saw Teng today. Dekat kedai Shawn. My guts told me that you dropped the charges against him. Is it...true?"

Malis diam. Statusnya online tetapi dia tak typing.

Malis: I'm so sorry, Malis. But his son needs him.
Jules: What the fuck Malis? You tak ingat ke apa yang dia buat dekat you?
Malis: I know I know. Semua salah I. Tapi I tak boleh. Andhi is growing up. He need to know who is the father.
Jules: For fuck sake. You tahu tak apa yang you dah buat ni? Orang yang pernah harassed you, abused you, gang-raped you tu, you nak bagi chance? Sial lah.
Malis: Jules. He deserves second chance. People make mistake. Lets just forgive and forget okay?
Jules: No. Hell no. Screw him. And you too. Look, lepas ni apa - apa jadi dekat you. Don't even bother to ask for my help. The only reason I boleh tolong you is regarding Andhi. Dia sakit ke apa, yang tu I amik tahu. Yang lain, go fuck yourself!

Aku menjerit sekuat hati.

"Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Perempuan bodoh! Sial!"

Pintu bilik aku ditolak dengan kuat.

"Sayang. Weh what happened ni?"
"Now I know. Macam mana Teng boleh ada tadi."
"Why? How?"
"Malis dropped the charges against him."
"What the fuck? Dia bodoh ke apa?"
"Ye. Dia bodoh. Perempuan paling bodoh I pernah kenal. She said dia gugurkan tuduhan tu sebab kesian dekat Andhi yang tak berbapak tu."
"Kepala otak dia. Dia taktahu ke macam mana susah kita nak tolong dia dulu, nak held Teng in captivity. Dia senang je dropped charges macam tu je."
"Fucking hell."
"Sabar. You texted her?"
"Yeah. My guts told me she's the one who drops the charges against Teng. And it was true."

Aku dan Shawn saling berpandang. Berkedut seribu dahi kami. Aku dan dia tahu yang kami bakal menghadapi masalah yang sangat besar. Dan Malis? Fuck her. Aku taknak ambil peduli. Dia tak kesian dekat diri dia sendiri. So why should I?

Ruang Kita II - ShawnXJules (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now