001: {Who is this?}

Start from the beginning

Peter: Oh come on I can't know your real name?

???: Yup, it's classified

Peter: Are you sure you're not a pedo?

???: Kid. I promise I'm not

Peter: If you say so but my favorite person is Iron Man! Or well Tony stark.

???: Okay well call me iron

Peter: Okay nice to meet you Uh Mr/Mrs/They/ Iron

Iron: I'm a male kid

Peter: oh okay, well it was nice to meet you Mr. Iron!

Iron: Nice to meet you too Peter.

Peter: Wait does this mean your my friend?

Iron: Yeah sure

♪┌|∵|┘♪ └|∵|┐♪

Iron: Uhm what the hell is that?

Peter:What's what?

Iron: That stick thing

Peter: :O It's an emoticon (lol idk what they are called)

Iron: A what?

Peter: Its like to show emotion as you see. ♪┌|∵|┘♪ It's dancing

Iron: oookay then..

Peter: You poor old soul

Iron: Hey you don't even know my age!

Peter: :o Is that another reason to think that you're a pedo I see?!

Iron: Oh shut it

Peter: lol well I gotta go goodnight Mr. Iron

Iron: Night Peter


Tony sighed as he set his phone down

"Damn this is one strange kid" Tony said out aloud to no one in particular

'Guess I should see more about this kid'

Tony had only seen Peter's name and age so just to be on the safe side he thought to search more about this Peter.

As Tony read through he felt more bad for this Peter as he found out his only living blood relative was May Parker.

He was only 14 and yet he lost all but one person.

Richard Parker and Mary Parker sounded a bit familiar but he'd have to look into it later.

Tony got up and sighed he was going to find something to do to take away all this sadden energy.

Tony looked at his phone on his table that had scattered parts and tools all across the surface.

He stepped towards his phone and picked it up.

Tony typed the password in and went to his contacts. He selected 'Peter' and looked through the pass texts.

He sighed as he looked at the texts seeing the kid calling him a 'Pedo' multiple times.

Guess he did seem a bit of a pedo but he'd never admit that.

Just then Steve aka Captain America walked in "Hey Tones dinners ready." Steve informed him as he stood at the doorway.

"Oh okay what are we having?" He asked washing his hands at a near by sink that he had installed after realizing how dirty his hands could get while working in the lab.

"Buck made his home made spaghetti" Steve

"Alright well let's head to the kitchen then."


When Peter told his new friend 'Iron' goodnight he was getting into his spider suit he made (his homecoming one but not the 'onsie' one lol)

That Peter made himself, he even made his own AI inspired by Tony Stark's AI FRIDAY he had gotten his idea when Tony Stark had showed the press his newest creation.

It was tough making the AI as his tools and parts were limited but he had managed.

When he Peter was out the window swinging away from his apartment he started talking to Karen.

"Hey Karen! Is there any crime yet?" He asked as he swung from roof to roof.

"Yes there's a bank robbery at Beavers street" (hey! Don't look at me weird! I never been to Queens) the female robotic replied

"Thanks Karen!" he shouted as the wind made him exhilarated in excitement.

When he arrived at the bank robbery he dropped down to the ground in front of the robbers who held guns ready to shoot.

"Hey! What cha doing buddies? Wait- your robbing a bank?! You should know better! Geez did your parents ever tell you stealing is bad?" Peter well Spider-man started as he ducked and dodged the shots the robbers took at spider man.

Even if the robbers shot multiple bullets rapidly Spider Man would sense them a mile away.

"Okay I'm getting tired and I have important things to do tomorrow so let's web this up! Ahah! Did you get it? Web! Ahah I crack myself up!" Spider man laughed as he wiped away a fake tear from his masked face.

As like Spider man said he webbed the robbers up who were cussing him out like a sailor but he just left them there as he could hear the police sirens getting closer.

And with that he swung away to the apartment to sleep.


Hello! Sorry if this is cringe and please tell me if so I know that you can't make the perfect book but I want to make this book a good book for people to enjoy it! Also tell me if there's any spelling errors. But other than that thank you for reading the first chapter! Oh but wait-

Should there be any ships? Like

Spideypool (Deadpool x Spiderman)

Spideychelle (MJ x Peter)

Stony ( Tony x Steve

Strange x Tony

Stucky (Steve x Bucky)

Bucky x Natasha

Bruce x Thor (Truce)

Pepperony (Pepper x Tony)

Natasha x Pepper

Etc etc but if there's alot of suggestions then Imma make a vote

But if like just like a few people vote Imma pick whatever they voted for because this has happened before
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Okay but byeee! Thank you for reading this please tell me what ships and it's cringey BYE

Should Peitro still be aliveeeeeee

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