Towards The New Age

Start from the beginning

Two girls posing as merchants threw a few small bundles at the gatekeepers. When the bundle hit the guards' swords, they burst into powder which made all of them cough and faint.

Not only outside the gate, several Shahati girls were on standby on the roofs of the palace towers, after successfully infiltrating as servants. Seena fired some arrow whose tip hung a bundle of poisonous mushroom powder, then from the other side, another arrow was fired to break the bundle and make a part of Hae's army and also guards who were on standby in the palace courtyard fainted.

Saya and his army managed to break in easily without bloodshed. Some Tagon's troops who did not breathe the powder, appeared with leather masks and prepared to attack. Bloodshed is indeed inevitable, but at least they have tried to reduce the number of fatalities.

 Bloodshed is indeed inevitable, but at least they have tried to reduce the number of fatalities

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One of Hae's soldiers drops Mugwang. He was cornered. The soldier was about to thrust the sword into his heart, he gripped the blade with both hands.

Clouds covering the moon begin to move, revealing a crescent-shaped moon. Mugwang stared at it wide-eyed.

"Is the curse not over yet?"

The palms of his hands were bleeding, making the sword continued to rub closer to his chest.

Suddenly a splash of blood splashed against his face. The soldier who was about to stab him collapsed, and Nunbyeol was already standing in front of him, holding a heart which she wrenched from the soldier's back.

"Nun ... Nunbyeol ..." Mugwang stammered, still shaken after almost losing his life, also surprised to see his pregnant wife appear on the battlefield.

Nunbyeol threw the heart away and squatted while watching Mugwang's injured hands.

"Your hand is badly injured," Nunbyeol immediately opened the bag containing the medical equipment she was carrying, then bandaged her husband's hands.

"What are you doing here?"

"I had a bad dream," Nunbyeol turned and looked at the crescent moon which was again covered by thick clouds.

"If I had not come, I would have been a widow," said Nunbyeol.

"But you shouldn't be here. What if something happens to our little Igutu?" Mugwang touched Nunbyeol's belly.

"Calm down, dear, little Igutu is fine. She just keeps kicking, maybe too excited to be on the battlefield," Nunbyeol chuckled.

"Don't be kidding! I am worrying to death!"

"Besides, I'm not alone here."

Neanthal men enter the gate and attack the Hae army with their claws. At that moment, from a distance, a soldier fired an arrow at Nunbyeol. Without turning her head, that woman caught the arrow that almost stuck in her head. A soldier approached and was about to attack. Mugwang threw his sword, right into the soldier's chest.

(AC FF-ENG) Yangcha : The Child of Shahati ✔Where stories live. Discover now