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(Tanya POV)

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(Tanya POV)

"What? War?" I was surprised when I read the scroll that Saya gave.

"Yes, war. We will fight against the Ago Tribe."

"And I have to announce it?"

"My father will announce, you only approve and bless him."

I threw the scroll.

"I don't want to! I will never approve of war. People who don't know anything will become victims."

"Then you will die first."

"I no longer care about your threats. Just kill me now, we'll see if the people of Arthdal ​​will continue to support their king."

"You think we can't find another priest to replace you? We can create a disaster and say it's because of you. We can spread bad rumors about you, like we did to Asa Ron. And what can you do? Unlike Asa Ron who has the children of Shahati, you don't have anything and anyone. "

"I have Yangcha."

Saya laughing.

"Do you trust him that much? You don't know anything about him. Hadn't it been for my father, do you think he would still protects you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Imagine, one day my father orders him to kill you. He would do it without hesitate. That's the kind of person he is."

"He's not like that."

Yangcha will always protect me. He was born to protect me.

"Do you know what children of Shahati are?"

I shook my head.

"They were who attacked you that night. They are a group of White Mountain tribe killers. They are trained very hard since childhood, and only a few and the best can survive into adulthood. What makes them frightening is not their assassination skills, but because they do not have feelings and heartless. No fear, no desire, no joy, no sorrow, and no worries. If they get an orders, they will carry it completely, not even caring about their lives. "

"Why are you suddenly telling me about Shahati?"

"Because Yangcha comes from children of Shahati."

I'm wide-eyed in disbelief.

"I saw his black tongue when he slept with an open mask in your room at that time. He was surprised when I woke him up and he had his mouth open. That's when I saw it. That's why he always covered his mouth with a mask. He also must have a Shahati tattoo, but it could have been removed using hot coals. "

I sat limply, "no way ..."

"Why do you think my father put him by your side? Do you believe my father only wants him to protect you? He is the best warrior of my father's trust, why should he let him go for you?"

(AC FF-ENG) Yangcha : The Child of Shahati ✔Where stories live. Discover now