When Our Eyes Met

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Five years later ...

(Yangcha POV)

Daekan troops walked from the eastern region, the territory of the Ago, towards the Iark valley. Gitoha nagged along the way, feel that we were driven out of Arthdal ​​because we were constantly being given the task out of town to gather new slaves.

We went down into the valley using wood arranged in such a way, drawn from above by the slaves. We crossed the bridge over the Sea of Tears easily, also from the sweat and blood of the slaves. We went to all the villages in the valley, chasing all humans, men, women, old people and children.

And we arrived at Wahan Village. That's when our eyes met.

A girl, wearing a flowers crown above her head, looked at me with her round eyes. I myself did not understand, once I set foot in this village, my eyes were only fixed on her.

Barkyangpung nudged my shoulder, as if it made me realize from something that had bewitched me earlier. I set up bows and shoot fire arrows to burn the huts.

We catched and tied villagers necks with connecting wood. When about to walk towards the sea, a man comes by riding a horse. I didn't know that people far from this civilization could know how to ride a horse. The prisoners began to rebel and some of them escaped.

I was busy catching a woman when the riding man let go of the girl I had just stared at. I pushed the woman I caught and chased after those who wanted to run away with the horse.

I threw my chain, but the horse jumped over me. Not giving up, I threw my chain again and precisely wrapped around the girl's feet. I pulled her down from the horse. The man got off the horse and tried to untie the chain at the girl's feet, but of course it didn't work.

Failing to let it go, he pulled my chain. I was quite surprised by the strength of the man. My feet even dragged forward. So far, only Tagon and Mubaek can defeat me. I turned my body, wrapped the chains around my body to defend.

Suddenly the girl let go of the man's hand from my chain, so that I could pull her easily. The man ran off with his horse, Mubaek chased after him, while I tied the girl tightly. I let my chain tied to her feet and I walked right by her side. I will not let her escape again.


(Tanya POV)

'When the sun shines tomorrow, Wahan won't be the same.'

That is the message I received from the Great White Wolf, our tribe's protective goddess, the Wahan Tribe. I think because tomorrow is my coronation day as Great Mother, leader of the Wahan Tribe. My mother, Cheosol, who was old and sickly, decided to give up her leadership to me. But apparently that's not the meaning of the message I received.

Some people who looked terrible with various sharp weapons and rode horses came to our village.

My eyes were fixed on one of those scary men, a man who was wearing a mask and hanging a chain around his shoulder.

Those eyes ...

I've seen the look in those eyes.

I was only five years old when I first experienced what was called a dream. I am Saram. Saram doesn't dream while sleeping. Only Neanthal, a blue-blooded human and Igutu, a purple-blooded human like Eunsom, had a dream. But I, Saram, can also dream. Because I'm a descendant of the Great White Wolf Goddess.

My first dream was a boy in a white robe with a hood. He held a knife shaped like a crescent. In the cold eyes of him, stored fear and doubt.

After that night, I dreamed him several times, about three to four times. Those dreams were the worst nightmare I ever had. In contrast to my first dream, the next he killed people without hesitation, even though his age was not far from me. There was no fear and doubt in his cold eyes.

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