The Girl With A Bell

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(Yangcha POV)


When does Tagon have child?

Even though he and Lady Taealha were married a few years ago, how could they have this big son? Moreover, his age seemed not far from Lady Taealha.

And he really is similar to the barbarian Igutu.

"You must be shocked and don't believe it. But he is really my son. All this time I hid him because... you know, he is the same as me. So far only Mubaek knows his whereabouts. But he doesn't know that Saya is an Igutu."

If Mubaek knows Saya, that means he knows that Igutu's slave's face is similar to Saya, because he was the one who chased after him at Iark. There's no way he didn't see him.

"Who is he, father? Usually you always kill anyone who sees my purple lips."

"He is your uncle."

"Uncle?" Saya looked at me from head to toe with a look of disbelief. Precisely more towards the look of disparaging and disgusted.

"I didn't know you had a younger sibling like this. He doesn't look like a noble at all. Surely an adopted brother?"

I also don't want to have an arrogant nephew like you. He must also be an adopted child, because he is not at all similar to Tagon, both in face and character. He should have just been thrown in boiled water, after all, his face was exactly like that Igutu's slave.

"Why are you hanging around? Fortunately the one who found you is Yangcha," Tagon said.

"Mubaek is acting strange. He has been back since yesterday and I'm sure he found something to launch our plan, but he didn't report anything. We can't be one hundred percent trusting him."

I also don't believe him. Is it true that Eunsom fell into the abyss or was he the one who deliberately let him go?

"All right, I'll take care of it. Return to the tower."

Tagon took my arm, "come on, you have a new assignment."


Mubaek walked alone in the forest. I watched him from the top of the tree. When he approached the tree where I was hiding, I jumped down using my chain while slashing him with my sword. But as if he knew where I was, he fended off my attack with his sword. The clink of bronze clashing, breaking the silence of the night.

The training I spent my whole life, seventeen years at Shahati and eight years at Daekan, made me stronger. But I still can't compete with Mubaek. His strength and expertise are extraordinary, even exceeding Tagon, who is an Igutu who should have more power than Saram.

My back crashed into a tree and his sword was now in front of my neck.

"That's enough," said Tagon, emerging from behind a tree.

Mubaek let me go.

"You still don't compete Mubaek, Yangcha."

"Why are you doing this to me, Lord Tagon?" Mubaek asked, not understanding.

"I should have asked that to you. I know you are hiding something from me. Are you going to betray me?"

I gripped my chain. Prepare to wait for Tagon's orders. If Mubaek really betrayed and Tagon told me to kill him, I would not hesitate to strangle him, even though he was my mentor.

"Sanung Niruha ... Did you kill him?" Mubaek asked.

Tagon did not answer.

"I examined his scar. The scar of bronze sword blades are five inches high. How can barbarians who don't know modern civilization use bronze swords and precisely cut arteries?"

(AC FF-ENG) Yangcha : The Child of Shahati ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora