25. "it's my fault."

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"Y/N! Please, let me explain." I heard Jisung beg me from behind me. I sighed, knowing the least I could do was to listen to his explanation.

"Fine. Explain. You have 20 seconds." I said harshly and I saw a glimp of hope in his eyes.


Me and Jisung headed into his bedroom and sat on his bed while he explained.

"I...was on my way to the restaurant when Uri bumped into me. I of course, after what she did to you, didn't want anything to do with her. But she was being a bitch and started clinging onto me and saying how she missed me. I tried to be polite at first and push her away but she wouldn't let me. She..did something to me. I wasn't sure what. But I got knocked out. And when I woke up, I was in a club. And then she shoved a drink to me and forced me to drink it. I think there was a drug in it cause than I don't remember anything. Next thing I know, I'm naked next to her. I know it sounds like I'm lying, but please believe me." Jisung explained. 

It was a lot to take in, i admit. But I knew Jisung wasn't lying. I had known him for years. He would never do that. It just wasn't him. 

"I'm sorry." he said, and bowed his head down. But what happened next, I'm sure suprised Jisung a lot. I lept into his arms and started

He immediately responded and embraced me in his arms while comforting me. He started whispering soft things into my ears while stroking my back.

"I'm so sorry!" I bawled my eyes out but he shook his head. "No, I'm sorry." 

And with that, he kissed me. I couldn't lie, I missed his scent and his aura and just him in general way too much. He started biting on my lip and things got a bit hot.

He pushed me onto the bed without breaking the kiss and stared into my eyes. 

"I love you Lee Y/N."

"I love you Park Jisung." I smiled in return and he went back to kissing me.


Chaerin's POV

Jisung and Y/N had went into Jisung's and Chenle's shared room. The rest of us was sitting out here talking in hushed voices. Donghyuck and Mark were talking quietly, Jaemin and Jeno were making some food and Renjun and me were sitting on the couch, cuddling.

"I'm sorry I attacked Jisung." he apologised and I kissed his forehead.

"It's okay. I hope Jisung explained. It's too heartbreaking to see Y/N and Jisung away from each other." I mumbled. "I hope we wont ever be like this."

"Of course we wont. I love you too much to get mad at you. Unless you're secretly in a relationship with JAEMIN!" Renjun dramatically gasps and Jaemin raised his eyebrow at me, clearly confused at the sudden call of his name.

"Idiot." I pushed his forehead and he pouted and we both laughed. Suddenly, we both heard some... unholy things coming from the room.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at each other in shock.

"Are they...moaning-" Donghyuck stared in disbelief and Jaemin immediately interrupted him. "NO! Of course they aren't..They're just..." but Jaemin couldn't think of anything, making us all laugh.

"USE PROTECTION!" Mark screamed out loud making the moans stop before resuming again. 

"Gross!" Chenle shrieked.

<3 yes this is my mum's computer finAlLy. :D

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