Chapter 5

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Mihlalis pov

"I don't wanna go anywhere" I argue with noor as she attempts to pull me up.

"I know but this is important mihli" noor said to me and I shook my head.

"Tell me what it is or I'm not going" I said to her while crossing my arms and she let out a huff.

"It's a surprise mihli"

"Will it make me happy?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Yes dummy" she swatted my shoulder and I grinned.

"Okay I'll come then. I mean what's the worse that could happen right?" I said sadly and she looked at me with a frown.

"Let me get changed" I said to her as I went into my closet to get something to wear.

"Do I need to dress up nicely? Like fancy?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Wear something nice but casual" She said to me and I nodded, grabbing a pair of ripped denims and white top with ruffles.

"How's this?" I asked and she nodded with a grin.

I went straight to the bathroom to get changed. I even took a little time to do some light make up.

"Kay I'm ready" I said while stepping out, making noor smile.

"You look stunning" she gushed and I giggled.

"Thanks dummy"

"Okay let's go" She said as we made our way out of the house and into her black Range Rover.

"Dont I have to cover my eyes" I asked and she giggled rolling her eyes.

"You watch too much YouTube"

"Hey! Don't blame me! It's my dream to be surprised" I said to her defensively and she laughed turning on some music.

I looked out the window anxiously waiting for us to reach our destination.

We finally started to pull into somewhere and I looked out to see that we were at the parking lot of Walmart.

"Are you kidding me? You made me dress all nice and be all happy to come to wallmart?" I shrieked and she rolled her eyes.

"That's not it" was all she said before she parked the car and dialed a number on her phone. I squinted my eyes at her suspiciously and listened to what she was saying.

"Hey..yeah...we're here....first row.. oh yeah I see you ..." she trailed off looking ahead of us and I followed her gaze and my eyes landed on a familiar black Mercedes.

I looked at her in confusion.

"What's going on noor?" I asked her and she hung up the phone. Looking at me with fear and she carefully said.

"I know you hate his guts and all that but he's genuinely trying to be nice and make it up to you" she said hesitantly and I rolled my eyes.

"I thought we were going to do something fun to forget about what happened" I said to her, tears prickling my eyes at the memory.

"Yes we are.. but just not with me. You and him" she said and I was about to object.

"Come on mihli give him a chance. Please? For me?" She pouted and I nodded.

I was just curious that's all.

"Yass! Oh! Here he comes" she said gesturing to a walking fadeel and not gonna like my jaw almost dropped six feet underground.

He looked like a damn model. His clothes fit him so perfectly like he had a personal designer pick the outfit for him.

He mad his way to noors side of the car and she slid down the windows.

"Hey" he said, his eyes darting from noors to mine.

"Hi, she's in" noor said to him and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God" he muttered and I raised my eyebrows.

Why did he care this much?

"Shall we?" He asked and I nodded opening the door and stepping out to meet him.

I waved bye to noor and didn't say a word to him as he led me into his car. He tried to open the door for me but I beat him to it and quickly shut the door.

I could tell he was a bit annoyed and smirked to myself. Thus is going to be fun.

Fadeels POV

How do I start apologizing when she's giving me this hard treatment?

Fuck! And I thought neerah was complicated.

But then again, this girl she's not like other girls.

I cleared my throat and started with a quick "I'm sorry mihlali"

"Trust me I really regret what I did" I said to her as I kept my eyes fixated on the road.

"It's fine" she muttered loud enough for me to hear with a sigh . And to say I was shocked would be an understatement.

"Really?" I asked her glancing at her for a few seconds before focusing back on my driving and she shrugged.

"Yeah I mean you're going through all this trouble. You obviously genuinely feel sorry" she smiled briefly and I smiled back.

Mihlalis pov

I know I shouldn't have forgiven him so easily. Because what he did was grand. But then again, nobody had ever genuinely felt sorry for hurting me and gone through so much to make sure I forgave them.

It made me feel a warm sensation inside. For once, I felt like someone actually cared about my feelings other than my family and noor.

Even though he annoyed me with his rich boy attitude and personality. There was just something about him that fascinated me.

"So... mihlali" he started and looked at him.

"First time Hearing the name. It's a pretty name" he said to me and I instinctively blushed.

You know, he was acting different. He wasn't the arrogant rich brat I met earlier. He was someone nicer. Someone I could get used to.

"Thank you" I said as politely as I could, turning my attention back to the window trying to hide my blush.

"Can we start over" he asked.

"Hey I'm mihlali nice to meet you" I said to him and he looked at me for a few seconds with a smile before turning his attention back to his driving.

"Hi I'm Fadeel nice to meet you too"

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