Chapter 6: Meeting Mia

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Addie and Finn came up the stairs on the side of the stage and trotted over to me. Finn was carrying his backpack on one shoulder and mine on the other. 

"That was more than slightly awesome," he said, low enough that no one else would hear. "You should've seen your face, man. I mean, she's hot, but I didn't think you'd be into her." 

Addie's face was neutral, but she was watching me closely. She was the only person I ever had trouble reading. It seemed like she only let me see what she wanted me to see. I wasn't sure why, but it made me nervous. 

"Wha—why not?" I glanced over my shoulder and saw Jeff's back. He and Mia were deep in discussion, and she seemed to be getting more upset by the second. 

"Well, I don't know . . . " Finn stared at his feet for a minute before laughing and shoving me in the shoulder. 

"You know, because she's a girl, and . . . " 

His face showed no sign that it was a joke. In fact, he appeared more uncomfortable than I'd ever seen him. Addie was staring at him now, too, her eyebrows raised so high they almost touched her hair. 

"What are you talking about? You think that I'm not attracted to girls?" I tried to keep my pitch from going skyward, but I wasn't very successful. I saw Jeff freeze and slowly turn in my direction. 

"I mean—I don't care who you like, man. I just didn't really think you liked anybody like that, you know?" Finn laughed, but it sounded hollow. 

"Yeah, well, I don't. So I guess you got that right," I muttered. Jeff and Mia were heading our way. 

Addie stepped toward Mia and waved. "I'm Addie. Did you play soccer at your old school too?" 

Mia nodded. "Yeah, I've been playing forever. You play?" 

"No. It's never been my sport. I swim." Addie shrugged and started for the stairs. "Nice meeting you!" 

The corner of Mia's lips curved up. "You too." 

"Addie, come here for a moment please," Coach Carter called just before Addie was out of sight. She pivoted on one foot and jogged over to the coach with a grin that made me wonder why everyone didn't stand around staring at her all the time. 

Jeff jolted me out of my gawking by punching me lightly in the shoulder. "What was all that staring on stage about, Parker? You've never seen a girl before?" He glanced over at Mia. 

"No, I was just surprised. I nearly hit her with my car yesterday." 

Finn barked out a coughing laugh and Jeff's brow lowered to match his voice. "You did what?" 

"I didn't, though." I looked at Mia, but she seemed to be avoiding eye contact. "And I could've sworn she told me her name was Megan." 

Now she did meet my eyes, and I saw a flash of a smile as she said, "Don't worry. It's a common mistake." 

"You almost hit her with your car?" The muscle in Jeff's jaw twitched and he stepped between us. His response bothered me. Did he actually think he owned every girl in school? 

"It was an accident. Besides, why do you even care?" 

Jeff's eyes narrowed. "Because she's my sister." 

"Duh-Duh-Dum." Finn put one hand up in front of him like he was holding a microphone and leaned forward with a grin. "That's it for today, folks. Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of Days of Our Lives." 

Confused, I gave my head a little shake. "Wait, she's your what?" 

Finn grunted and turned away, muttering, "Always wasting my best stuff." 

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