Part Four

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(A/N: Hey Poppies! :P Thank you for reading my story so far! I just wanted to drop in that I have another Avengers fanficiton (Sadly without Percy :( and with an OC instead! <3) which I update in tandem with Lost at Sea - e.g I write one part here and then one for A Girl of Smoke and Shadow etc.I thought since you guys like Avengers I'd drop it in here in case you guys want to read my stuff more regularly! P.S while this is set before Winter Solider- The other one is set after the event of endgame with our spiderboi as a love interest ;3)

(And as well as this a separate PJO/HOO fanfiction about the Demigods in high school with their powers! Yall don't have to check them out but they are their if you like my writing but I'm not updating this story fast enough :) Have a nice morning/afternoon/evening wherever you are :P)

Tony's POV

We sat at a bench, and I pulled my phone out, pretending I was texting but watching Jackson discreetly. He was definitely onto us. Although he had ended his call and Fridays analytics showed he wasn't on any other devices it appeared he was holding a conversation. I glanced at Steve who was frowning at the kid.

Huh. Maybe he was plain crazy and more a matter for the cops. 

I pulled up Natasha's secure number and texted her a gif of a sunbather with the text: sunny day at c.park

A few seconds later she replied with a cat gif.

I looked back up at Percy who was nodding at a blonde male, well built and tall who smiled and gave him a half-hug before taking the bag. Then two other girls, one with dark skin and bright golden hair and the other with a suntanned complexion and blonde hair appeared and joined into a sort of huddle.


Steve looked over at my direction and frowned, opening his mouth as if to protest, but before he could comment on the language I added, "His friends look weird."

I nodded at them and Steve looked again, closing his mouth. He studied them for moment as I did, taking note of the bruises mottling the arm of the blonde and a long scar trailing down the black girl's left calf. Not to mention the puckered skin on the other guy around his lips, like he had been taken at with a knife.

"They don't look like normal kids. But surely if the kid were following saved you they can't be all that bad."

I frowned and stared at them again, quickly snapping my head to the right when they all turned to look at us.

I tapped my fingers against my leg as I stared hard at a tree. It's green leaves dispersing light as it fell to the floor of the park and looked quite lovely. I kept looking at it for a few more seconds before stealing a glance at the teenagers. 

Two were walking off towards a small copse whilst Percy Jackson and his girlfriend were locked in an embrace.

I heard a cough beside me making me smile. 

"JARVIS where are the other going?" I asked as the blonde girl walked off to join the rest leaving Jackson looking at a blue hat in his hands.

"They appear to be walking towards a heat source, I cant quite figure out what it- SIR they just vanished."

I sat straighter, staring past Jackson and straining by eyes in their glasses to the trees.

"Their gone from satellite images and heat sensors."

Steve and I looked at each other and back at the teenager in his black hoodie, standing quickly as he turned around to face us. A dark look crossed his face whilst made me feel uneasy as JARVIS started reeling off analytics about how the other had simply gone poof. Jackson raised his hands, and tugged a blue cap onto his dark head of hair, white streak vanishing beneath fabric. Less than a second later Percy Jackson disappeared too right before my eyes.


Steve's POV

Just when you think your on a routine mission, or having a good day the universe throws you a curve ball.

Within a second I had pulled the handgun from my waistband and now held it carefully between two hands, pointing at the ground as I flicked the safety off with my thumb. 

"Tony where did he go?"

"I'm working on it." Stark snapped and moved a hand up to his glasses where he started talking rapidly as I took a step forward, eyes scanning the empty air as if it were deceiving me. Was Jackson a god or some new type of alien? Thor needed the Bifrost to be able to move from one place to another but Loki and other extra-terrestrials could do it with manipulation of the mind and environment. "JARVIS enable infared. And get Nat here."

I raised my weapon, frowning out from underneath my cap and Stark and I rotated slightly, moving away from the bench and onto the grass of the park itself.

The blow came where I least expected it, the back of my knee making me grunt and fall onto one knee. Then another severe kick sent my handgun spinning from my hand and onto the grass. 

"What the-" I stood, spinning and sending a grasping hand into the direction where the attack had come from, my fingers brushed invisible fabric but it was snatched away quicker than even I could grab.

"Bet you can't catch me grandpa."

I spun to look at where the voice hand come from, only to be met with my legs being swung out from beneath me with an insane amount of force.

I toppled to the ground, head snapping to Tony who caught a piece of his suit mid-flight, his gauntlet.

Tony had one hand on his glasses, steadying them as the infrared obviously locked on and his other pointed palm-up at Percy Jackson. The red and gold suit framing a glowing circle.

"Games over kid. You want to go home to Estelle your gonna keep still."

I stood quickly, brushing dirt from myself and grabbing the gun, eyes watching the air hungrily.

Suddenly, the very air I stared at shimmered, and then Percy Jackson popped into reality, a blue cap in his hand and bronze sword in the other, "Leave my sister out of this or I'll send you straight to Tartarus."

I looked at Tony, who had his eyes firmly on the kid, armour whirring

"Come with us for a few questions, maybe put your weapon away and you can go back to her when we're done."

"Fine." The kid reached into his pocket, pulling out a blue pencap and shoving in the cap. 

Jackson touched the lid to the tip of the sword and it shrank down into.

Into a pen.

I stared, clenching my fists. Was this kid some kind of extraterrestrial?

Jackson pocketed the pen, and crossed his arms. Looking more like we had ruined his afternoon than a group of Avengers were taking him in for questioning. He nodded for us to lead the way and Stark too the front as I walked behind.

All the way to the tower, Percy Jackson walked like he was simply popping off the the shops.

What kind of kid was this?

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