ch. 24- "wtf?"

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"Okay guys, lets not play anymore tonight, we'll finish tomorrow. My back is killing me." I said, everyone smiles and we all walk inside.

"Lets all go back home."

Everyone goes to their house and settles in. I get on my Mac book and ft my friend.

"Gracieee❤️🤞🏻" WANTS TO FT.

accept        or        decline

I accept it and smile,

"Girl I was about to call you!" I say. "Oooh Telepathy!!" She smiles and laugh.

"Eh, well my boyfriend isn't staying tonight so I wanted to call you." I say, setting my computer up in the end of my bed and laying on my stomach where my face is fully in the screen.

"Oh, well at least you have a boyfriend. My lonely ass can't get one." Gracie says.

Oh, wait. No one knows who Gracie is. Well, Gracie is my online friend that lives in North Korea. She's 17 and is online schooled.

"Woah, you'll get one. It takes time to find the right one." I say, encouragingly. "Yeah, i guess you're right. I'm also home schooled which will be even more complicated."

"Tell your dad you wanna do public school. I might be moving to private school. At least that's what my mother said." I say.

Me and Gracie stayed up all night talking. We haven't fted in a while so it was good to finally talk to her again.


"AVA! WAKE UP." I hear screaming.

Pick ✭ Jaden Hossler Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin