"And as you could guess, the sleeping quarters are right next door." She points to a hallway with a series of rooms. As a soldier came out of one, I got a glimpse of what it looked like, and my brain literally almost blew out of my head.

Compared to living on the streets, this was luxury living.

Each bed had a solid mattress that wasn't just a cot, equipped with small pillows and blankets that I wanted to snuggle with.

"You're telling me," I say breathlessly. "That we get beds in this facility?"

Priscilla looks up to me with concerned eyes. "You were a scavenger before this, weren't you?" She questions and I nod. "Well then, we'll have to treat you with some of the best cuisine in the area. You've been missing out!"

No kidding, I think to myself. Our tour was just beginning to conclude. Just a few hallways to go and I would be sent back to my room, locked away in eternal misery.

"This last hallway is our entertainment hallway. What good are soldiers if they are bored out of their mind?" She questions as she motions me to follow her. "We have board games, a snack bar with drinks, and a few gaming systems actually," she chuckles. "But don't ask me about those gaming consoles, I'm too much of an oldie to know."

I laugh softly at her sense of humor, brushing a strand of wavy hair back from my face, and suddenly stop when I make eye contact with two people I didn't want to see right now.

Wes and Lana began to walk over to Priscilla and I, as I swallowed a nervous lump in my throat.

"Don't be nervous," Priscilla mutters so that only I can hear. "If you're with me, you automatically have the green card with these two." She waves to both of them, beginning to engage in small talk.

"Mara," Wes acknowledges and chuckles. "It seems as if a lock system isn't enough to contain you." He raises an impressed eyebrow, and I smile lightly. "I see Priscilla has been giving you a tour around our facility?"

I nod my head. "Yeah, it's a pretty nice place actually. The showers better watch out, because I will literally be in there for two hours," I joke and the only one who laughs was Priscilla.

This conversation was awkward as hell. Can't you feel the absolute embarrassment in me right now?

"Well," Priscilla says thankfully getting us out of that scenario. "It was nice catching up with you all. I have to show Mara the rest of the facility before lights out." Priscilla smiles to them one last time and drags me away in her fragile hands.

As soon as we both clear the room, for some reason we both start simultaneously laughing. That was for sure the most awkward conversation I had ever been in, and I'm sure Priscilla could second that.

"Finally, the room you have been waiting for," Priscilla says turning one of the final corners in the Rebel base. "The training room!" She exclaims like it was the biggest thing of 2162.

And for a moment, I thought it really was. Things like treadmills, ellipticals, and punching bags lined the walls of the massive room, as this place could literally be a whole ass gym. Countless soldiers trained in hand in hand, as well as endurance with different machines.

"I have a feeling I'm going to be in here for the next few weeks..." I say groaning knowing that my in-shape body from the junkyard has probably diminished by now.

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