. bondmates .

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[A/N :: Honestly I have been replaying the Bioshock series and I couldn't help but notice that there aren't really any fics for the big daddies. So I decided to make some myself, I hope y'all enjoy and this might not get a lot of reads or what not for a first fic but like reading nonetheless! Give me that soft fluff on the side.]

— R E X A N I I —

The metallic taste of blood overtook your other senses, that was all you could taste as your body tried to reject the splicing and your cells began to break down and rework themselves. It wasn't long after the injection that you began to cough up blood, but it was far more successful than the other unfortunate souls as they were having seizures and others heart began to stop or stutter. While that happened you were taken care for like a shard of glass, so close they said amongst themselves behind the glass. Carefully a nurse wiped your mouth, as this project was more different than the other splicing on market. Your body not so much screaming as before, you were far too high on the antibiotics that they had run into your blood stream, surely it was dangerous, but you basically begged for them after enduring so much pain and experimenting and the doctors thought you deserved it.

So now you sat in the room, your body being monitored constantly. "Now, miss (L/N). We will begin the first stages of Project Alpha Delta, dubbed; imprinting progress." The doctor on the other side of the glass said in a monotone and flat tone, the clicking of the pressing the button to turn on the microphone was audible. "Please do not be alarmed, now. Bring the patient in." He mused and behind the door was a loud moan, and banging and you sat there in a daze, a black hazy cloud in your vision.

The door opened, and there was a large monstrous heavily armoured man as he stumbled in and blood on the drill that was in the place where his hand was suppose to be, the nurses had long scattered back behind the other door to hide behind the one sided glass. His breathing was heavy and drill was humming, the needle still stuck into his import. "Subject Delta meet (Y/N) (L/N)." The doctor piped up into the microphone, you locked eyes with his helmet that illuminated an orange before settling down to yellow. You raised a hand, the alpha series daddy's let out a low groan in warning. The needle in your arm, that was connected to a machine hooked up by wires controlled by the doctors behind the glass. The glowing liquid began to sink into your blood stream and you let out a stifled cry, tears prick in your eyes as the pain killers began to wear off. It only took a moment before all the adam had settled into your body, you were hunched over from the burning sensation in your arm.

As you were leaned forward, looking down at the tiled floor that was not too sanitized, there was a strong and almost disgusting scent that smelled- you began to cringe away but soon after a while the scent seemed to magically change. Without even realizing what you were doing, you leaned in and stumbled out of the table you were sitting on. The monster caught you, another groan that sounded.. pleasant to you. It was warm? Was that even possible?

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked, as the big daddy carefully assisted you to sit back up. "Hungover." You muttered with a breathless chuckle, the words safe was left unsaid as your nerves settled and leaning into the large hand that rested on your shoulder. A string of questions followed and every one was answered. The air went still and silences followed after the last question, as you felt sick. "Very well. Have Subject Delta and miss (L/N) returned to their rooms, we will have to discuss the bugs in the formula." Security entered the room, you stood up and your body began to shut down as you placed your hand into the other man's to leave and Subject Delta let out a snarl and violently lashed out, hitting the man into the window that shattered by the force and the monsters drill roared to life. The scientists and nurses behind the door gasped, then cowered in the corner like bugs.

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