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I felt sick to my stomach. One wants me to kill any threats and shoot warning shots at the police ( and by warning he means in the leg, arm, chest ). Since Seven is using a gun he'll be covering our team.

"You don't have to do this" Four says as he closes the door. We went back to the hotel since our flight isn't for another few hours.

"Nine was right, we have to work for our things" I sit on the bed and kick off my shoes.


"It's Eight. I still call you Four"

"Ok" he walks over and sits next to me, "Eight...One's a billionaire. Buying a $200 bow and shoes are nothing"

"It doesn't matter" I stand up, "We work for our things. We never had things handed to us and we're not gonna start now"

"Riley and Russell don't take hands out" he grabs my waist and pulls me in between his legs, "You're Eight and Nine, it's alright love"

He did have a point. This is a new chance for us, I mean we're staying at a five hotel and we have a whole floor to ourselves. This is us now.

"Ok" I rub his shoulders and look down at his chest, "But I still want to do this"

"Something's bothering you" his grip on me tightens.

"I think it's Regina" I look him in his eyes, "She just found out"

"How do you know?"

"The same way I know when Nine is hurt or what he feels. It's who I am"

"Can you do that with me?" He bits his bottom lips. I lean down and rub my nose with his.

"Give us time and I will"

"I like that" he picks me up and sits me on his lap, straddling him, "You calling us, us"

My hand moves up to his neck, "Kiss me" I beg wanting his lips.

"Don't have to ask twice" he leans in and kisses my cheeks before my lips. I play with his growing hair, the kiss grows and I grab his neck.

"Mmmm" he groans on my lips. I want more. I start rocking my hips on him.

"Don't" he pulls away, "Don't start something you can't finish"

"Who says I don't wanna finish it?" I smirk.

"We leave in a few hours" he groans, "Trust me, I'll last longer this time"

"If only if only"

Knock. Knock. I climb off Four and answer the door...to One.

"Oh" he looks behind me, "I didn't know Four would be here"

Four groans, "We're just talking" Four is now standing behind me.

"Yeah, I bet. Eight I need to talk to you"

"Ok" I turn to Four smiles. One and I walk down to the lobby in silence.

"Sit" One orders, I sit down and he sits across from me.

"Why isn't Nine here?"

"I like your shooting" he ignores my question, "Where did you learn it?"

"I said it already" somethings wrong.

"I know you did. Say it again"

"A guy that had us for a little bit"

"How did you know him?"

"He used to work with my father-"

"What did they do?" he rushes.

"My father or the guy?"


"I don't know but the guy got did a little extra. He got rid of the bodies"

"Why did he take you in?"

"We were kids. He's not cold-hearted" I narrow my eyes at him, "What's this about?"

"How did you meet Four?"

I can't tell him Nine met him first. I'm not doing that to him. Shit...if I don't answer now he'll know I'm lying.

"When we were younger. We ran into each other when we were on separate runs"

Reminder: Tell Four on how we met.

"Why hasn't he mention you before?"

"I don't know," I say while shrugging my shoulders, "It was me who met him. Not Nine"

He looks at me long and hard, "You can go"

"Thanks, boss" I get up and walk back to my room. One never follows me. I open my door and see Four on the bed.

"Miss me?" I smile closing the door.

He gets up, "What did he want?"

"If anything we met when we were in separate runs. When we were Younger"

"I should go"

"What? Why?"

"We have a mission in a few" he grabs his shoes and walks out. He didn't kiss me or even look at me. What the fuck?

A few hours later. I already showered, I'm dressed and ready to kill. I put on black tights with a black long sleeve shirt.

Knock. Knock. I open the door and see Four.

"Fuck off" I growl, I try to close the door but he stops me.

"Eight please" he bursts in the room and I step back.

"Please What? Leave you the way you left me?" I snap.

"You reckon I really do that to you if I didn't have a good reason. Look somethings up with One. I was just worried" he pouts with his beautiful Green eyes and I'm surprised I didn't literally melt into a puddle.

"Whatever. We have a job to do" I push past him and walk to my brother's room. I wasn't mad at Four, I'm just not gonna do something.

"Knock" Russell growls as he steps out the bathroom.

"Cute" I throw my hands in my back pockets. "You ok about this?"

"I trust One"

"I know you do....when was the last time you killed?"

"You just killed a guy a couple of hours of go!"

"This isn't about me. I know why I kill, you kill to save us"

"You!" He steps closer.

"Us! If anything happens to you, I'm dead and no I don't mean someone will kill me I mean I will die! We're in this together....don't be stupid"


"What about him?" I pull my hands out of my pocket and cross them over my chest.


"We have bigger things to worry about. I'll be downstairs" I kiss his cheek before leaving.

Do you see how easy that was? Now, why couldn't Four do that? Stop talking to yourself!

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