Halloween Cackles

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I went out every night of Halloween weekend with a different costume each night. On Saturday, I was dressed as a fairy with a costume I put together myself. I wore a lacy pink short-sleeve cropped top with a short sparkly multicolored skirt, light pink nylons, flats, and a pair of glittery silver wings I found at a crafts shop. I put on some sparkly, colorful makeup and straightened my long silver fur and looked in the mirror, feeling very satisfied with my costume. I poked my belly a little- it was soft and kind of pudgy and it stuck out a bit- I felt self-conscious of my belly because I didn't usually like showing it off, but my costume was too cute for me to change and I knew that once I was at the party I would be having too much fun to care.

Once I was finished getting ready I walked to the party with my friends Jojo and Elaine. The party was at our friend's frat house, and there were a ton of people there all in great costumes. My friends and I didn't stay for long. When we left we went over to my bff Olivia's apartment, and by the time we got there I was all giggly and clumsy from being tired. There were only about ten of us there altogether and we were just hanging out chatting and watching television.

I was sitting in a comfy chair across from my friend Talia who had my nylon-covered feet in her lap. Then Olivia came over and sat down practically on top of me. We got into a playful little pushing fight and at one point she grabbed me around the waist and squeezed my side which made me giggle. "Oooooh I forgot how ticklish you are Maritza," Olivia grinned at me.

"Nooo no no no, I'm not ticklish," I protested with a nervous grin on my face, even though we'd been friends long enough that she knew I was lying. But Olivia was in my lap pinning me down so she wiggled her fingers playfully in my face before tickling my bare tummy. "Aw what a cute ticklish tummy," she teased, "Tickle tickle tickle!"

I burst out laughing and started squirming around. "Hahahaha, ahahaha, Olivia wait, that's- hahahaha- not fahahair! Pleheheeeehehehease!" I tried to suck my belly in but it didn't help, and I was too tired to get free. All of a sudden I felt Talia begin to tickle my feet (which were still in her lap) and I shrieked loudly.

Everyone else in the room was staring and laughing at us. As a natural introvert I would have been embarrassed normally, but since I was tired, I was feeling a lot less shy than usual. "Plehhehehease don't hehehehe- tickle mehehehe! Hahahahaha, ahahahahaha, I'm not t-ticklish!"

"You're such a liar," Olivia said as she laughed at me.

"Yeah, why would you be laughing if you're not ticklish?" Talia added. I couldn't see her face but it sounded like she was smiling. "You seem ticklish to me."

I tried to argue but then Olivia's finger slipped inside my belly button and I screamed with laughter. "Looks like I found your tickle button," she teased. Her finger wriggled around mercilessly inside my innie and I just shook my head frantically, unable to speak. "Tickle tickle! I never knew you were THIS ticklish!"

After a few minutes Olivia and Talia decided to give me a break. But my other friends thought it was hilarious how ticklish I was so they started wiggling their fingers near my tummy and laughing when I sucked my belly in. My friend Jojo came up behind me when I was in the hallway and tickled my sides, and Talia tickled my belly when I was lying down on the couch.

Later that night, I was in the kitchen getting a drink when Olivia pinned me up against the counter and launched another tickle attack on my tummy. "Wait pleeehehehease!" I begged as I doubled over and tried to protect my bare belly. "Hehehehehe help!" Well, Elaine heard me calling for help but instead of helping ME she decided to help Olivia by holding my arms behind my back.

"Hahahahaha, no! No no no, ahahahahaha! Olivia pleeehehehease! You already tickled me!" I giggled helplessly while her fingers tickled all over my belly.

"But that doesn't mean I can't tickle you more," she told me. "You make it so easy, being so ticklish. And you're wearing a crop top! I can't help myself when your bare belly is right in front of me," she teased. Her index finger wiggled down in my belly button and her other hand tickled my sides- it was quickly turning me into a squirming pleading mess and my belly was aching from laughing so much.

"You're mean," I told Olivia breathlessly when she finally stopped tickling me. We went back into the living room and I collapsed onto a chair with my arms wrapped protectively around my belly. "My tummy hurts now."

"Aw your tummy hurts?" she said teasingly. She pushed my arms away and started rubbing my belly. I automatically sucked my tummy in thinking that she was going to tickle me again but she just rubbed my belly for a few minutes before patting it and declaring, "There! Is that better?"

"I guess," I sighed, "But I'm still mad at you."

Olivia laughed at me. "Too bad, it's your fault for being so ticklish."

By that time we were all feeling tired so we all went back to our own apartments and dorms, so no one else tickled me that night. But now a bunch of my friends know how ticklish I am and it's kind of embarrassing, but I also hope it means that I'll get tickled a lot more often now! It's hard because I'm really shy usually but I've been trying to leave my belly and feet in more bare and vulnerable positions, and yesterday I wore a top that barely covers my belly and tends to ride up a lot- while I was at the library the top had ridden up to show a bit of my tummy and when I ran into my friend Jojo at the library, she greeted me by giving my bare belly a quick little tickle! It was a really fun Halloween!

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