Wow.....I found....Something.

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OKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAYyyyyyyyyyyY, Welp. I think I found something. 

So today, I got a new Book. This one has 5 parts. And is On going. Here Is the Prologue.

Wow, It's 599 in action-thriller....That's....hard....... I guess...What does that mean....Never mind.

Okay. So the Name Of This Book Is..."The Game of Death: The First Iteration." By: CarsonLedger 


Okay, so. It  starts with the location. Lake Charles. (FYI, That is a real city, In Louisiana. Southwest Louisiana) It sets the setting A family known as the zaphiries? Who? Who came up this this name? Oh oh oh! it's actually called the Zanaphraies. Weird Name. (Forgive me if that is someones name, I'm so sorry this was put in that book.)  Anyways. There sitting around a T.V awaiting the World Wide lottery to come on. Lets hope they have the winning Numbers. 

But they Aren't so happy about this lottery, Apparently, there pretty stale towards this.... 

The tv static cuts and then a man appears on the T.V. He stands at a 6'3 (Pretty freaking tall..) and is on a stage that is Littered with Polaroid pictures covered with red. Since this is a horror story, we can probably assume it is blood.... He has a Microphone in one hand, and Is wearing a red and black diamond pattern suit. Not that creepy but I do get scared of Giant things. Mainly thinking Of Cthulhu's Height makes me shiver.....But thats different. 

Anyway, he announces he is part of a multi-organizations of terrorist. Whose goal is not known. Creating a Mysterious element. And that they get to all of the "Ignorant Masses" through "Air Way HIJACKING!" 

He said that last time they didn't "Abduct enough workers and Drawers for a true game last time. And they didn't get enough winners." But they kept the old winners for this new "Iteration" of the game. And now there ready to go.

But first they announce something for legal reasons...."F*** THE LEGAL REASONS!!" i'm glad they announced that, finally someone brought that to attention....

They Start drawing numbers that Somehow Correlate to People.

The Prologue ends at a name drawing.

Chapter 1: 20 Years Later

at the beginning of This Chapter We are introduced to the Protagonist of the story, Seiko Miller....

(That name sounds a lot like the word Psycho....... Which is weird, because he wrote another book Called "Psycho: A New Kind Of Hero" He written Tons of books and series. Which I GuESS i'll have to criticize them all. In a short period. But lets get on with this one)

Anyway, Seiko is a young teen from Japan. He walks home after school with his three friends, One of which is Sydney Moreno. He reassures us nothing romantic is between them. At least at that point. *Lenny Face* 

The Day is December 31st 2020. And his other two friends Rodney and Heath go home, those two are brothers apparently and that just leaves them two walking home Cause there neighbors, Apparently. Anyway, Her parents invite Moreno for dinner later that night to hope for Luck in tonight's lottery, BTW, Seiko's number is 1103. Her parents also invite Rodney And Heath over as well. 

As they were waiting for There two friends to get there, Seiko sits on a bench in there back yard while Sydney is watering her plants. She asks him what he is doing after the Lottery as if it is a holiday over there, and all he says is that he is going to the arcade and invites her to come with. She said she rather stay here with her plants, but tells him he can come over anytime. And States, "You Basically Family." OOOOOOO000000OO00000OOO00000000F, Family zoned......that sucks.

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