Chapter 1

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(Mi-yeon POV)

I knew one day I would have to leave this school, but I never knew it had to be so soon. Last week I was sent to the principal's office to discuss an important detail of some sort, he told me in the firmest and serious voice that I had lost my scholarship in this school. Of course I did my best to convince him to let me stay, but he didn't budge, I wasn't worried about leaving my friends after all I was known as the 'BITCH' in that school, I was more worried about how my future would be like If I hadn't graduated here.

After going home that day my parents decided of moving me to Korea to live with my brother and attend JYP SCHOOL OF ARTS because they said that I should start exploring different things. I hated this idea but I couldn't fight back to what they agreed on already.

So that brings me here on the couch staring at the television while I wait for Mark to come home. "BZZZT" my phone vibrated, it was an email from the school, I read the first few lines only for me to discover that I couldn't care to read this dumb email even though it had something important for me.

I heard the door being unlocked, I turned around to see my brother Mark with a plastic bag in his hand which read "The most convenient convenience store" I stared at it in horror of the store name but immediately got put out of trance when my brother asked me.

"So Yeonie, spicy or beef?" he asked while holding up two ramen boxes and a tilted head, I thought of it for a while and answered his question with, "I'll have the spicy one" he gave me a nod and walked towards the kitchen. "So Yeonie, what major did you take?" he asked while ripping the plastic of the ramen boxes.

I sat there trying to remember what I picked but then I remembered that I closed my eyes and randomly picked a major with all my trust put on my index finger, so I replied honestly with a "I don't know I just pressed whatever" I heard the metal fork hit the ground and my brother popped out of the kitchen in shock look on his face.

"Yeonie what the heck, this is just as important as your prestigious highschool choices are, if you chose something like music you would be dead!" he said while hitting me on the head. I sat there in confusion until I realized that I was completely fucked if I chose music. "Haha... I don't think it matters, I might have probably pressed dance or something, I couldn't have possibly ended up in music" I said while trying to keep my cool. Mark just shook his head and continued making ramen for me and him.

I sat there praying to god that I didn't choose music and luckily I did.

I remember smelling the fresh perfume that was given to me before I left England this morning; the sun was shining brightly, and I had to get to my first class being Dance; I guessed right yesterday. A little too right, me and my brother Mark walked around the school and once he reached his class he waved goodbye and I was officially alone by myself, I walked down the halls with my right hand holding the map around the school, unexpectedly I bumped into someone.

His hair was swooped back, and he had a dangling earing

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His hair was swooped back, and he had a dangling earing. He gave me a cold stare and tilted his head. "Oh... um.. sorry," I said while lowering my head and walking past him. He noticed the paper I had in my hand and asked, "Are you new here?" I turned around to see him standing straight and had his right hand on his hip. 

"Uh... how did you know that" I responded by walking up to him, ready to square up to this fairly tall dude he told me "Only new students bring a map around the school," he chuckled while giving me a smirk that sent shivers down my spine. My face turned flush red but instead of shying away I asked him where the dance department was or to be specific my class. 

"Oh, you are in that class, what a coincidence I'm Minho" he said, I felt my soul come back to my body when he responded with that sentence,  knowing that now I wouldn't have to be alone in class and that I have somebody who I can walk with. Minho and I walked down the hallway and towards the dance room. 

Minho grabbed onto the metal door handle and pushed it open, introducing the class I would be in for the rest of my year here. Minho then crouched down to reach my height and whispered into my ear, "Listen here new kid, since you haven't been in this school or in this department you will need to know the people you'll be facing?" Minho whispered. 

I looked at him confused and replied with, "Facing? what do you mean facing?" 

"Facing is like a test or an exam here, you will train in this department and you have to choose what part of dance you want to work on, hip-hop, ballet, etc...  and once you reached the end of this year, you'll be going against one of the people in your chosen dance" he explained without even blinking. 

I felt a cold shiver run down my spine when I realized the people I would go against, they all have clearly trained in this art on the other hand I'm like a newbie. Minho sighed and continued his explaintion while walking over to the corner of the class. 

"Over there is Hyunjin, he has trained in hip-hop for five years, he has sharp movements and they are extremely powerful at some points" Minho said pointing over to the guy in a baggy black hoodie and pitch black hair. 

He continued babbling on until the door swung open. 

"Ah shit, that's Felix

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"Ah shit, that's Felix... one of the best rookie dancers in hip-hop, if I were you...  I wouldn't choose genre" Minho advised while putting his bag gently on the floor but I guess it was too late for him to say that, as I was already intrigued.

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