Chapter 2

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(Mi-yeon POV)

Everybody sat on the wooden floor of the classroom while Minho encouraged me to walk over to the teacher so I could get my stuff ready for this class. I walked up to the teacher, and he introduced me to the students. 

"So we have a new student that came from England, would you like to introduce yourself?" she asked while lifting her right eyebrow. I took a deep breath and smiled. "Hi there I'm Mi-yeon," I said while playing with my hands nervous of what these people are thinking of me. The teacher then nodded and asked me if I had any experience in dance. I stood there trying to remember if I did but then I realized, "Fuck I don't." To save me from trouble, I looked over at the teacher who was waiting patiently for response and answered without hesitation. 

"No, I don't have any experience with dancing" the moment I said that the crowd went wild. The teacher looked at me with the most offended look I had ever seen on a person, "Mi-yeon, why did you chose this course then" she asked while putting her hand on my back and looking at me straight in the eye.  I felt the coldness that spread through that room, I couldn't even look at Minho which I knew so well would have unfriended me now. 

"I  chose dance because I was curious of what it would be like" I answered, the teacher scoffed and told me to sit back down. The whole class was in disbelief of what I had just said but I was even more surprise to see that Minho didn't have a reaction, "You must hate me don't you" I said while looking onto the floor. 

Minho looked at me and then back on the floor, "No I don't hate you, I just think it's interesting, your choice... your not someone I haven't encountered just yet" he responded, I looked up to see him smirk. I chuckled and for the first time I had never felt so alone, back in England I was up my ass I didn't realize I had no one around me that cared for me or knew me, the only time I realized that was when I left the school, nobody greeted me bye. 

The teacher called me over after assigning everybody what to do, "So Mi-yeon, what dance do you want to do or take part in" she asked while looking at the paper, I felt her bitchiness but to annoy her I responded with "Hip-hop" without thinking she looked up from the paper and took her glasses off in frustration. "You must be very confident with your non-existent skill Mi-yeon" she said. 

I gave her a nod and joined Minho; he looked at me and then back to the wall. "You are in some shit now newbie," he said with a giant sigh and a smirk that made me feel both scared and compelled. 

Class ended, and I exited with Minho. He waved goodbye since he had to hang out with his friend group. I waved back and walked over to Chen's pastries to get some coffee with my brother, "how was your class?" he asked across from my table. I gave him a nod and continued looking through my phone. Mark drank his coffee in peace and asked me a question that made me reevaluate my life choices. 

"Do you even have any experience in dance Yeonie?" he asked, I spit out my coffee realizing that I had chose the hardest choice and embarrassed myself in front of my whole class. "MARK I FUCKED UP" I yelled inside the tiny cafe. 

"Hush down, Yeonie," he said while calming me down. I then told him everything I had done that evening, and I watched the life of my brother disappear from his face. I pulled my hair in frustration of what I had chose, Mark just looked at me and shook his head. "Good luck Yeon, you really are fucked" he said chuckling, but I knew he felt the embarrassment for me. 

Although Mark suggested he drive me home, I declined his offer and walked home myself. I began walking home and kicked every rock that came my way, out of nowhere I bumped into somebody once again.  

"Hey aren't you the newbie?" she asked, her tall figure and long brown hair intimidated me but I didn't hesitate and answered with yes

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"Hey aren't you the newbie?" she asked, her tall figure and long brown hair intimidated me but I didn't hesitate and answered with yes. She smiled brightly and pat me on the back. "Hey There I'm Sana and I'm part of the hip-hop department in our class, nice to meet you newbie" she said while wrapping her arms around my neck. 

I laughed awkwardly, trying my best to get away from her. "So tell me, do you really have no experience in dance?" she asked with a mocking tone. 

I pushed her away from me triggered. "Hey, If you just introduced yourself to talk shit about me, you might as well fuck off" I said while walking faster. She stood there smirking and tagged along and tried to communicate once again. "Sorry sorry, I don't mean to hurt your feelings, I was just curious and I honestly think it's cool of you to try something new" she replied trying to stop me form walking so fast.

I halted making her almost fall, "so you really think I'm cool" I asked.  She nodded like a puppy was eager for a treat. I scoffed and continued speed walking. She grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me back. "Hey Yeon, if you want help, I can help you" she said while looking me straight in the eye. 

"I can tell your out of the spell you were in that class, you have a more uptight vibe unlike earlier," she encourages more.  I noticed the sincerity in her and so I gave it a shot,  I stood in front of her and now we were face to face. "So how can you help me" I asked while I folded my arms, she got excited and grabbed my wrist while replying with an enthusiastic, "Let me show you a place that help you get more of an understanding of dance" Sana said while running towards her scooter. 

"Don't worry, It won't kill you" she said with her hand out for me to reach. I took her hand and sat behind her. I put the helmet she gave me earlier and wrapped my arms around her waist, she chuckled and turned around to talk to me "we are off to a great start already." I felt my face flush, great, my life in Korea is getting more compelling, i thought with the most sarcastic voice that ran through my mind.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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