Namkook: Daddy's Lap

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"That was really good, hyung!" Jungkook complimented Seokjin's dish. Jin smiled and threw a dishrag at Hobi, signaling that it was his turn to wash the dishes.

"Did you get full?" Namjoon questioned the youngest, squatting down beside him. Jungkook nodded and smiled widely at Namjoon.

Why were they being so soft, you ask?

Well you didn't ask but I'm gonna tell you.

For some reason, when Kook gets full, he slips into little space. The boys like to prep him and themselves for when it happens, but it's Namjoon who loves it the most.

Why? I don't know; I'm just a writer.

Namjoon helped Jungkook out of his chair and led him to his bedroom. He let Jungkook get in first before laying down beside him and pulling him close. It wasn't good to lay down on a full stomach, and they both knew that. It always left them feeling queasy in the morning.

But maybe that's what Namjoon hoped would happen?


A few hours passed since they had dinner. Jungkook was in a fetal position now. Before, he was laying normally, being the little spoon, but if you looked at him now you would be able to tell he was in pain.

"Kook," Joon said quietly. He got a small whimper in reply. "What's wrong?"

"Stomach hurts... Have to go to the bathroom..."

"Is it because you ate too much?" Another half hearted reply. Namjoon decided he'd try to help, so he sat up in a criss cross position and pulled Jungkook on top of him.

"M! Wait! Stomach hurts!" Jungkook repeated as he tiredly tried to break away from Namjoon. He wasn't as strong as he normally was since he was in little space, so he was easily overpowered by Namjoon.

"It's okay. Just let it out on me."

Little space Jungkook couldn't believe what he was hearing! He didn't even have a diaper on! He couldn't do that in only his underwear! What if it smelled bad? Jin liked making his food spicier than the average person.

"No no! Go to the toilet! It's okay!" Jungkook tried to fight a little more, but it only made his stomach feel worse. And now he had to pee too.

Namjoon held down Jungkook's hips with his hands and assured him that he would clean everything up. "You might not make it to the bathroom-" Joon heard a loud stream and felt a spot quickly forming on his pants. He felt pressure build up between Jungkook's butt and his own crotch, and the nauseating smell confirmed that Jungkook's bladder was relieving itself hurriedly.

A sniffle could be heard from Jungkook. He was full on crying from embarrassment. "Sorry! Didn't mean to! Made a mess!" He tried to stop himself by clenching as hard as he could. It didn't help though; shit was starting to make its way up his pajama pants and out.

Namjoon shushed Kook and rubbed his stomach. "It's okay, let it out, you don't feel well, it's okay." After he was certain that Jungkook was empty he carefully carted him off to the bathroom to clean him up.

Jungkook was still sniffling, tears running down his bright red face. "S-sorry... Can clean myself."

"It's not an issue. We'll go back to sleep when we're feeling fresh."

After a thirty minute shower — Jungkook's stomach was still a bit messed up — they made it back to the bedroom. Namjoon had cleaned up the mess while Kook was in the shower the first time, so it was ready for them to use when they got out.

Namjoon grabbed a fresh blanket from out of the closet a Jungkook got settled in bed. "Are you ready to go back to sleep?"

"Yeah, sorry hyung..."

"It's fine; at least you feel better now right?" Jungkook nodded sheepishly. "That's all that matters."

Less than an hour passed by before Jungkook was speaking again.



"I have to use the bathroom again."


Hi everyone. It certainly has been a while, my apologies. I'll try to write more but I won't make any promises. Stay safe, stay home!

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