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The entire way I stayed absolutely silent, my eyes focused on the ground. It was like my mouth was sealed shut and my body forced to obey, but I was the one who was causing it. My body felt haunted by his power, his overwhelming power that he simply used to pressure me. I'm sure that was like tossing a ball for him. I can only imagine what it's like when he's at his full capacity. Don't know if I'd ever want to see it.

But I don't regret what I did do.

"Get up." His voice is monotone, as if he puts no emphasis on starting a conversation with them. He just demands his words and moves on. As he walks by through the aisle, the two guards with him stand at the other side of my seat, waiting until I stand as to lead me out. I shakily get up, glaring down at my feet as I step into the aisle and do as I'm told. They hadn't bothered to put the restraints back on me, I guess that being a sign of The Kings confidence that I know my place now. He's only correct until I figure something else out.

"Now follow. If you cause a problem, you will find yourself in one." I groan and mumble out a spiteful 'fuck you', a soft chuckle coming from him as I still do as I'm told. It's very doubtful I'd have an opportunity to get away at this point.

The guards lead me towards the door, the light blinding as I step outside to the sunny day. I wince and cover my eyes with my hand, the guards near me tensing a bit at my sudden movement. I blink a few times, the brightness fading to normal view as I look over the airfield. It was quite small, and seemingly very private. I don't know how often Demons fly, but humans used to fly a lot. As my eyes examine the area, I quickly realize that we are not alone here. There were a few waiting at the car we were about to be in, and the sight of them brought pain to me.

The two that were there to watch my parents die, seemingly sent just for that purpose. The two that are by his side in most situations. The two that have haunted my dreams for years.

If I could I'd kill them both where they stand, a knife would already be sticking out of their chests.

Dark smiles at the two, looking them over and chuckling softly. "Ah, Gentlemen, glad you could welcome our new guest, if she so chooses to be respectful."

Blanks eyes scan over my frame with an undistinguishable hue, a small smirk residing on his thin lips. His hair was swept back and a deep chocolate brown. In some regards, you could say there was a certain emptiness in his face, whether it be that he was hiding his emotions or that he just didn't have them at all.

Anti, on the other hand, was a chaotic mess of emotions. He was brimming over with them, as if he couldn't help but express more than three months at a time. His hair was now an Ashy black, more stark to the pale skin and making his green eyes glow manically.

I stay silent and tear my glaring eyes away from the pair, feeling pained as I stare at the floor with malice.

Anti, as always, is the first to talk. "Who's this, Dark~? A little toy for you?" Small, creepy chuckles fall from his lips as he approaches us, his eyes scanning me over intently. "Could it be~... a toy for me too~?" Dark stares him down, his eyes powerful and practically glowing.

"You are not to touch her, Astaroth. She is to be protected and unscathed by your hands." His voice held power behind them, making Anti giggle manically. His left hand twirls a sparkling silver knife across his fingers in an attempt to be menacing, but the pure hatred I felt towards him had already diminished the fear he could bring.

Something he had now that he hadn't had that night was a deep scar, dragging on from his left chin over his right eye. It was deep and cracking, as if lightning had sprang through the wound.

"Oh~ you're using my big boy name~ your serious!!" His devilishly green eyes widened with excitement, as if this only spurred in on further with the desperation to break me. Blank turned to him lightly, his soulless eyes seeming to reprimand Anti. "Anti, be responsible." Anti growls out softly, looking like a toddler who is being force to be calm.

"I'm just intimidatin' the girl!" He glares, but backs off, crossing his arms and calming down slightly, his body still twitching in distressing ways as he stood still. Dark moves to reprimand him, explaining heavily his rules for the twitching demon.

While they were distracted by each other, Blank turned back to me, now meeting my eyes for the first time since I had walked up. His eyes held a knowing look, the same knowing look they held that night, the same small curve to his lip and the same minuscule reaction, though his hair was different and his face was just slightly aged, he was the same. He remembered me.

I felt scared by that knowledge.

The hatred they held for my parents was more than enough to bleed fear for me, especially if Anti had any form of recognition capabilities. I had my mother's eyes, and my fathers lips. My mother's strength and my fathers empathy. I was a firm mix of the two, they're familial vines had firm ties on my looks and attitude. If he were to find out, would he kill me?

Blank lifted his finger to his lips, a cruel mimic of his actions that day. His eyes were telling, forcing me to silence on his remembrance and my remembrance.

My gaze hardened further, the toxic energy I so deeply wanted to stab within them was rather stabbing me in my silence.

"Now that we're thoroughly introduced, I believe it's time to make our way to your new home. Brace yourself, for it shall only get harder from here." He chuckles softly, a sly grin falling on his grey toned lips. He opened the door to the car, and with sharp eyes, enforced my movements into it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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