x. no trust without the truth

Start from the beginning

"None of us are 'recruited', as you put it. None of us chose this, not even Sam. It's more like we went through something, something that only we can understand, and we can't erase it or go back to the way we were before." Paul began to explain, his brow furrowed as he struggled to find a way to tell her without really telling her.

"Mono?" She questioned sarcastically, remembering that both Embry and Jacob had supposedly had mono before they returned as one of Sam's lackeys.

"I wish." Paul chuckled dryly. "I know it doesn't really make much sense, but me and the guys... going through what we did? The only people we can talk to about it are each other. That's why we stopped talking to everyone else, they wouldn't get it."

"But you talk to me. Jared talks to Kim." Lyla pointed out.

"Yeah, that I really can't explain yet." He admitted, scratching the back of his neck before catching Lyla's thoughtful look. "Let me guess, you have questions."

"Um, hell yes." She confirmed with a chuckle. "I mean, you say that none of you are recruited, but how did you know Jacob was going to join you?"

"We kind of have an idea of who it could happen to, who fits the profile." Paul explained, standing right in front of Lyla as she sat on the trunk of her car.

"So, Quileutes, male, broody?" She asked with a slight laugh.


"Is Quil going to..?" She let the rest of the question hang in the air, not quite knowing enough about what they went through to label it.

"Possibly, but honestly? I'm thinking we're it." Paul indulged.

"And it will never go back to how it was before? Quil will never get Jake and Embry back? Me and Jess never get to speak to Jared again?" Lyla asked, her eyes downcast to hide the sadness behind them.

"Maybe." She looked up at him at that. "I mean, none of us really know, we're kind of just winging it."

"I think you telling me this stuff has just made me more confused." She groaned, resting her head on his chest where he'd subtly moved closer, stood right in front of her, she didn't even think about it until she felt his chest vibrate as he laughed.

"Oh, just wait until you hear the whole story, your head will explode." He chuckled, grabbing her hands to pull her up so they could get back to work, not letting go straight away.

"That's reassuring." Lyla sighed.

The rest of the week was relatively quiet, people slowly getting over the fact that there was a new 'cult member', other than Quil, who miserably tortured himself with the fact that Jacob, too, had left him for people he hated. Lyla considered telling him and Jess about what Paul had told her, but figured it was more trouble than it was worth, after all, the pair were hurt and would probably be angry at her for spending time with Paul more than they would be grateful for such a vague and unsatisfying answer.

Her and Paul spent lots of time on her car, making a lot of progress, though neither were happy about that since it meant they were closer to finishing and therefore closer to saying goodbye. Paul had initially made the deal hoping that spending time together would make her change her mind on staying away from him, but he was slowly losing hope. He'd learnt what a loyal friend she was and knew there was no way she'd choose him over Jess and Quil - and with how much they hated him, she couldn't have both.

TO BE TRUSTED | twilightWhere stories live. Discover now