The Coalition

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"Oh, we're almost there," Mugwang said when he saw camps on the slopes.


The arrival of Saya and Mugwang was certainly not welcomed with open arms, but with swords, spears and arrows. They both disarm and throw away all the weapons they carry, and raise both hands up.

"We have come in peace," Saya said.

Some people looked amazed to see this person's face was very similar to their leader. They still did not lower their weapons even though Eunsom and Karika appeared.

"What are you doing here?" Eunsom asked.

"Can you first lower your weapons?"

"After all, you are the leader of our enemy forces," Karika said.

"We want to negotiate with you. We have thrown away our weapons. Is it necessary to disarm our clothes too, so that you can trust us more?"

Eunsom raised his hand, then his men lowered their weapons. He invited Saya into his tent.

Saya explained the purpose of his arrival, that he was about to take Tagon's throne and invite Eunsom to join. He explained his vision, mission, and all of his promises to provide peace in this country, far from discrimination and slavery. But still ...

"Can we trust you?"

Saya sighed heavily, he realized, it was difficult to get the trust of others, especially after all that he had done so far.

"I cannot prove anything right now, to gain the trust of you. I will only withdraw the Arthdal ​​troops from my return from here. And when I reach the throne, I will not ride it alone. There is Tanya Niruha who will accompany and guide me. She will make sure I keep all my promises and mission. Or ... "

Saya pointed outwardly, "because you can ride that horse too, are you the one who claimed to be Aramun and became king? Besides, that is your pet horse."

Eunsom didn't answer.

"War will only carve emotional wounds for the losers. To treat this wound, consumes resources, energy and time. Especially if a war with your own brother, will be very painful."

Saya took out a scroll and handed it to Eunsom.

"This is the peace agreement document. If you agree to join, give your stamp here. I'll leave the horse here, I will come back tomorrow. If you are not willing, burn this document and attack us tonight. Then take the horse, and claim as Aramun. I will leave my mission with you. "

Saya came out of the tent and went to the eastern fort with Mugwang, while Eunsom was still staring at the agreement documents.

"Karika ..."


"Can you read it for me?"


Mubaek ran to welcome Saya's arrival, especially to Mugwang. He hugged his only younger brother while sobbing.

"Mubaek, order everyone to return to the fortress. We will not attack Ago."

Mubaek was relieved, but also questioned. Saya told everything to Mubaek, including about Kanmoreu and his intention to usurp the Tagon's throne. Tanya had previously told Saya that Mubaek was on their side.

"The horse is now with Eunsom, because I'm still not sure Arthdal ​​soldiers, especially Daekan can accept me and betray Tagon, just because I can ride Kanmoreu. Daekan is an army specially formed by Tagon, you must be very loyal to him," Saya said

(AC FF-ENG) Yangcha : The Child of Shahati ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora