Chap. 10 - The End

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A/N: Hey guys, it's been like... months since the last chapter. I bet you guys forget about it.. haha.. Let's get to the main idea. I've improved my English a lot (it's still terrible though) and to be honest, this is the last, yes, the very last chapter. I give it an end because I can't continue anymore:((

I know Chap. 9 ended tragically, but don't worry. I hope this ending will make you not regret reading all the way up to here. Thank you and enjoy!

Ginny POV:

"Emm... I uhm... Y-e-s.."

A round of applause. I heard the cheerings, blessing, crying over us. U - S. Ah... I-


Hmm? Someone is calling me... someone none other than-

"Blaise? Uh... what's up?" I asked.

"Hello?? It's your turn." Blaise smirked. That smirk was carved into my mind on the first day we met.

"Oh!" People down there laughing at me. Well, I can't judge them. I mean, who suddenly lost in thought at their wedding?

"Y-Yes! I-I do!" I can't help but laugh a bit.

"Haha, Ginny oh Ginny, what are you thinking about?" Blaise looked at me in the eyes, smiling.

"I... uh... em... AH!", I suddenly come up with something, "Remember the Valentine Ball in our last year at Hogwarts? I just can't get over it... ahaha..." I laughed nervously.

Blaise looked at me, he looks kinda uncomfortable. Uh oh... Did I say anything wrong... Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it... Stupid Ginny...

"Uhm... I-It's nothing! I didn't mean it-"

"It's fine, it's fine! You see..." Blaise grinned. It's surprising to see him smiled like that. Well, with an obvious blush on his face.


"Blaise!" Ginny shouted, her face went pale and glared at Malfoy. "Y-You!" Despite seeing Draco there, Ginny cast some healing spell on Blaise at the moment and requested Draco to find a professor.

"Blaise... please don't scare me. I'm sorry! I don't hate you! No, not at all! Please... PLEASE!" Ginny cried so hard. Her tears drop on Blaise's wounds. Little by little.


"Blaise...? Y-You're... You're!" Ginny looked at Blaise in tears.

"Um... I heard you." Blaise smirked. Ginny tried to speak, but she can't. There are too many emotions for Ginny to handle.

"Move! Move! Who's the injured student? Ms. Weasly, please move!" Madam Promfey ran quickly to where Blaise is and bring him to the Hospital Wing.

That night, Ginny can't stop crying. After hearing Madam Promfey complains and sighs, she decided to sneak in and visit him. Ginny looked at Blaise, and she sat on the chair, laying her head next to him. I never should have pissed him in the Shrieking Shack. Ginny can't stop regretting what she has done and keep blaming her for making Blaise like this.

"Gin... Ginny! Don't leave me!" Blaise screamed. Ginny can see a tear coming down on his cheeks.

She calmed him down by holding his hand, and whispered, "I won't leave. I promise. I'll stay, together with you. Pinky promise?"

Ginny shakes her pinky finger together with Blaise' and smiled. She can only rest assured when Blaise looks calmer and sleeps tight. It was a long night, and when morning comes, Blaise woke up, blushing furiously when he saw his crush right next to him. His pinky finger and her' are still connected. Aaaaaaaaaaa. That was exactly what Blaise was thinking.

Of course, they missed out the Valentine Ball, the time that Blaise wanted to confess to Ginny. But this isn't that bad... Blaise felt a slight movement, and Ginny slowly open her eyes.

"Oops-" Blaise accidentally said. I suppose to close my eyes and pretend to sleep! Ugh!!!

"Oh, you're awake...", Ginny yawned, "Aaaaaa, sorry! I didn't do anything last night! Promise!" She blushed.

"Silly me... hehe" Ginny giggled. She can still feel the hotness on her face. She must be blushing really hard right now.

"You promised!" Blaise said happily.

"Huh? What do you mean-" Ginny confused but soon realize her finger and Blaise' are together. "I promise nothing! Nothing!!!"

They kept joking around until Madam Promfey kicked Ginny out since it's not time to visit the patients yet.

After Blaise got out, he and Ginny soon becomes a couple. It's embarrassing at first, but with Mione and Draco help, they were closer to each other by days...

~Flashback end

"I see..." Ginny smirked. "Pleh!" She stuck her tongue out and laughs hard.

"Ehem... You may now kiss the bride!"

Ginny and Blaise looked at each other. Oopsie...

"We er... We've never k-kiss before... So can we-" Blaise bravely asked, blushing.

"Wa! That's impossible! How are you so pure! Both of you!" A voice came from the crowd said.

"Y' know, you guys have to do 'that' the night after the wedding... hehehe."

"Stop that Draco dear! How impolite. Hmph!" Hermione smacked Draco in his head.


"You dare to 'tch' me, Dra-co Mal-foy?!" Oh boy, it's not good when your wife spells out your name.

"Draco bro is dead." Blaise signed to Ginny. She giggled.

"Hello? Husband and wife, you may kiss." He ignored Blaise confessed.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The crowd kept on cheering, so Blaise decided to take the first action.

"They kiss!!!"

"That does not even count as a kiss bruh. You guys just touch your lips slightly! How will you even do 'that' tonight..." Draco Malfoy keeps joking around.

"Manners Malfoy. Manners. Tch." Hermione glared at him with the shut-up-and-zip-it look.

Blaise and Ginny laugh at the engaged couple. Then Blaise lock his eyes on Ginny's.

"Pro-mise!" He shakes his pinky finger with Ginny and smiled.

"Just get over it." Ginny looked away with her face heating up, "Oh and one question Blaise."

"You can ask me how many questions you want to and I'll answer it to my heart's content," Blaise said.

"Before that, the 'to your heart's content' isn't use for your- ugh nevermind," Ginny grinned, "Sooo, I'm curious... why did you take a liking to me in the beginning? I mean, apart from my red hair, there isn't anything special about me."

"Everything is special about you, Red." Blaise chuckled. "And my answer to your question..."

"Y-Yeah?" Ginny asked excitedly, with a red face from before.

"Well... Just... A sudden change~" Blaise smiled.


A/N: I'm very thank you to all the readers, you guys have been a huge inspiration for me to write! I'm looking forward to your comments on this ending, I hope you accept it! To be honest, the story never ended, because Ginny's and Blaise's love is eternity, it'll continue and they'll live as a happy family forever~

Thanks to all your reads, votes, comments and your love! It's a short fanfiction, but it gives me a lot of fun while creating it!

And again, thank you for going through this series!


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