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Hermione wake up and whisper to Ginny,
"Are you okay Gin? What do he want from us?"
"Mione...Why don't you tell him?" Ginny asked.

"Tell..him? I will never tell him. If he kidnapped us for this, I think the answer is very important to him. Also Voldemort already die, why do he need to know it?" Hermione shooked her head.

"But you know the answer and I don't! He use the Cruciatus cruse on me just because you didn't tell him!" Ginny said angrily.

"Well then why do he need to know the answer? I don't want to tell him and you can't tell me to do something Ginny!"


"I have his Cruciatus curse too! It's not only you!" Hermione snapped.
Ginny freezed and try to absorb her friend words.
I'm sorry 'Mione but we will die soon.

Someone enter the Shrieking Shack and smirk,
"Be quite girls. We don't want to be heard, anyway no one could find out this place."

"You...!" Hermione cursed him.
"Crucio." Hectoir frowned, "Didn't I ask you to be quite?"

Ginny looked at her friend, thought,
Hermione tell the truth. I must escape as soon as possible.

"There is no way to escape, girl." Hectoir said as he tighten the string that held Ginny.
"Argh...that's hurt." Ginny signed.

"You will taste more hurt later on." Hectoir laughed.
"!" Ginny tried to talk.
"Hmm...let me think. I'm certainly going to tell you later." Hectoir said as he easing the string.

"...When exactly?" Ginny breathed.
" more questions. Cruico."
Ginny try her best to not scream. Hectoir smirked at her and go out, enter the Great Hall.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" Blaise shouted as he run towards him.
The professors stared at them and Ms.McGonagall asked,
"Why are you trying to kill him Mr.Zabini? Where is Ms.Granger and Ms.Weasley?"

"He kidnapped them, and let me kill him!" Blaise said angrily.
"Is that true Mr.Hawks?"
Hectoir shooked his head,
"Zabini must be drinking too much. I would never done something like that."

"LIAR!" Blaise screamed.
"Mr.Zabini, first warning. You must not accused any students, do you understand me?" Ms.McGonagall frowned.
Blaise cursed under his breath and come back to his seat.

Everything around him suddenly went dark and Hectoir Hawks appeared,
"Keep your mouth shut Zabini. I shall kill every single one if you..."
"I WILL NEVER LISTEN TO YOU!" Blaise shouted.

He open his eyes and realize that everyone is looking at him. He stared at Hawks and the guy was facing another place.
I was just dreaming.

"Draco Malfoy." Blaise whispered.
"What do you want now? Hermione is missing and we just sitting here, waiting for someone to rescue them?" Draco frowned.
"Same as Ginny! Do you think I'm not worry for her? And I just got a nightmare from Hawks."

"I'm sure that he's a Legilimency. He can read and control your mind." Draco shooked his head.
"What can I do?" Blaise signed.
"Use Occlumency. I can teach you." Draco offered.
"It's a waste of time. Why don't we start planning? Where can the girls be?" Blaise asked.

"Well...there are plenty of places. Like The Forbidden Forest, Hogsmeade shops, Chamber of Secrets, Shrieking Shack,..." Draco listed out.
"Stop..Stop! We need a better plan, on attacking him." Blaise sais as he pointed at Hectoir.

"Wait...Did everything went dark went he started reading your mind?" Draco asked.
Blaise nodded confuse.
"When you're lost in thoughts, he will be able to control you! I'm a Occlumency so it doesn't work for me! And I could try to do the way Hermione worked out..." Draco planned.

"Great idea...He might just not telling us though.." Blaise smiled weakly.
"Come on think positively!" Draco put his hand on Blaise shoulder.
"Like we're going to die?"


"Girls, I think it's the time to tell you." Hectoir said.
Hermione and Ginny look up at him, their eyes brighten.
"My name isn't Hawks. It is..."

The Shrieking Shack door open, and,
"Protego!" Hectoir casted quickly.
The person step closer to the light, wondering,
"Hermione? Ginny?"

"Harry Potter," Hectoir smirked, "The boy who lived."
"Who are you?" Harry asked.
"Why do people keep asking me that question?" Hectoir raised an eyebrow, "I'm Hectoir."

"Hectoir...what?" Harry asked.
"Would you mind if I don't tell you?" Hectoir said.
Harry run to Ginny and try to easing the string.
"Ugh...Sorry Ginny I can't save you. And sorry Hermione." Harry shooked his head.

"It's not your fault that we're here, and where is Ron?" Hermione comforted him.
"Don't talk nonsense girl. It is his fault that you are here." Hectoir grinned.

" him..telling the truth?" Ginny whispered.
"I...I don't know what are you talking about." Harry confused.
"Mmm...I think it's the right time to tell who am I." Hectoir responded. "I just wish that Weasley is here."

Hectoir clear his throat and speak,
"Everyone here knows my dad. He's a great man, with great decisions. My dad is the strongest of all, everyone who tried to stop his way will die. My mother loves him truly, and she got pregnant me. I born without a family, so it makes me go into a orphanage."

"You're...Grindelwald son?" Harry whispered.
"My father is strong. Strongest of all. No one can defeat him. And now he's dead." Hectoir repeated.

"NO IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" Harry screamed.
"Crucio." Hectoir laughed.
Harry was able to defeat the Cruciatus curse, and he stand up.
"Hmm...strong. Incarcerous" Hectoir casted a string that rolled over Harry body.

Harry smiled at him,
"You forget something. I'm never alone, and I'll never be!"
Ron break the door and shout,
"Hell yeah you gonna die! Bombarda!"

Hectoir smirked and turn to an Animagus.
"The whole Golden Trio is here, and a extra Weasley."
"A...hawk!" Ron gasped.

"Well that's why I'm Hectoir Hawks

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Well that's why I'm Hectoir Hawks. But I got another name."
Hectoir smirked.

"Hectoir Riddle."

Here's the next chapter! Sorry for the delayed!

Riddle or Voldemort? I think Riddle is Voldemort real name so Hectoir Riddle is better.

Send my love to the voters,
Especially salty_mermaid

A sudden change/BlinnyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang