𝟏. 𝗔𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗹𝘀

757 23 1

Disclaimer: Themes of depression, anxiety, suicide, self-harm, violence, bullying, and blood.
* means time skip

Kiana Lede as Rhea Hera

Listen to Birdy — not about angels


Her green eyes twinkled in the moonlight reflecting the water and its beautiful horizon, the night was peaceful; apart from the occasional car that sped by

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Her green eyes twinkled in the moonlight reflecting the water and its beautiful horizon, the night was peaceful; apart from the occasional car that sped by. The night air was cool and the full moon was out Rhea would hear the occasional twig snap but she thought nothing of it, if someone was going to kill her she wouldn't stop them from doing so. A cool breeze made its way blowing her hair from off her shoulders, the strap of her white tank top fell but she made no move to pull it off. Rhea's legs shook slightly as her body tried to warm itself up, her mind was at peace for the first time in years. There was no worrying about her grades, or how she was going to cover up the new scar that had mysteriously found its way onto her wrist.
Just peace, slipping off her worn-out Van's Rhea climbed up onto the railing separating the water from the land, wobbling slightly she caught her balance.

So this was where she stood, on the railings of Wickery bridge awaiting her fate, counting down the seconds to where she would be reunited with her grandfather. The slight breeze picked up to harsh wind and the leaves rustled and stirred, she outstretched her arms taking in a deep breath. Tears brimmed the poor girl's eyes as her lips slightly parted, "I'm free" she whispered. Rhea slowly closed her eyes, a tear slid down her left cheek, she imagined her and her grandad on a small paddling boat. The same one they took out to the docks when she was little, keeping the memory clear in her mind she no longer felt the emptiness that forever stayed lodged in her heart. And without a second beat, she stepped off. The water submerged her body, Rhea opened her eyes and blinked, it was quiet, tranquil. Blowing out air left in her lungs and water slowly started to take its place, she blinked as her chest grew heavy aswell as her eyes. It was if she could already see the outline of her grandad swimming towards her the figure grew closer, and closer until her eyes fell closed.


Rhea shot up from her bed with a loud gasp, her hair was in it's natural curly state and her clothes stuck her body like glue. Sweat dripped down from her forehead down to her already soaked cotton pyjamas. 'It was just a dream' she reassured herself, looking to the right her eyes wondered to her alarm clock. One minute until she had to wake up, slipping out of bed Rhea got dressed and prepared herself for the very lengthy day she was about to encounter.


Rhea walked down the outstretched hallway of the place she dreaded the most, highschool, her very own purgatory. Avoiding all eye contact she walked up to her locker. Seeing the people you despised the most everyday wasnt exactly an ideal situation you would want to be in. Endless amounts of teens filled the halls, some couples were making out against the lockers only to break up the next day while others were clearly high. Rhea evaded the scrunity of Elena Gilbert and her crew as they not so subtly peered holes in the back of her skull.

•. HER DEMONS• 𝑘𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat