Chapter 4

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"And that's it for today class. Remember to submit your assignments by the end of the week, I'll be taking no excuses. You're dismissed."
The lecturer says Coolly.
I chose to go to law school because I've always been a firm believer in the law no matter how bad the system in my country is and well I genuinely I could be useful to it's revolution.

The rest of my day goes smoothly despite all the classes I have to attend and I don't even notice how tired I am until I take a seat on the bench near park that's just a few blocks from school.
My phone died before I could call my brother and ask him to pick me up which means I have to wait here for the bus. I absolutely hate public transport and I wish I could over my fear of driving and take the test already but I'm too much of coward.

The bus finally arrives and I grab my long skirt in a fist so it doesn't pick up dirt from the ground as I'm walking towards the bus. Before I can hop on I catch a glimpse of the brown eyed boy I'd met earlier on today, he seems to be lost in thought and looks kind of... off, I can't really put my finger on it but my heart aches with worry for this boy who's name I don't even know.
I jump and snap out of my thoughts when an impatient looking driving hoots and shrugs his shoulders as if to say 'get in or step away from the door'.
I hop onto the and plug in my headphones and listen to a podcast by Candice king. It's not a long drive to my place but the traffic means it might take a while to get home so I decide to close my eyes for a bit.

(You guys might have noticed a change in my writing style, I'm trying something new and I hope you all like it. I'll go ahead and admit I just write this story as I go which means I don't pre plan or anything lol but I hope you're enjoying it so far, if you are kindly vote. Thank you ❤️)

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