"No but seriously, you look really beautiful, like always" he said after we stopped laughing, walking towards me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Now let's go before I'll do something that we shouldn't be doing right now" he added making me blush. I don't blush, what the hell.

This better be a fever.


"I'll hit you with my heel, don't test me" i threatened Austin. The whole towards the gala Austin has been annoying me by either pulling my hair or blowing in my ear.

"Why i haven't done anything?" He asked innocently, making me clench my teeth. "You look adorable" he stated when he noticed my angry face.

"No this is my angry face, be scared" i said with a serious face. Austin raised an eyebrow before starting to shake.

"Oh my god i am so scared, please stop" he said mockingly. I gaped at him before putting my arms around his neck and pulling his head down.

"Say sorry right now, you peasant" i yelled out, making rudolf laugh loudly.

"Okay I'm sorry, please let go" he said sarcastically making me hit the back of his head.

"Try again sweetie" i said sweetly, smiling to myself.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry baby" he said normally, and i finally let go. Just in time the car stopped in front of a huge mansion. Why have i never seen this place. It's gorgeous. I got out of the car and turned to Austin who send me a glare. "I wanted to open the door for you" he said rolling his eyes.

"I want a picture" i stated completely ignoring what he said. I walked towards rudolf and gave him a sweet smile. "So have i told that your my favorite driver before, because you are" i said with a huge smile. "Thank you so much for offering to take a picture of us" i added before he could say anything else and handed him my phone. Rudolf chuckled before nodding.

I walked towards Austin and put my arm around his back, smiling towards my phone camera.

"Must you smile that fake?" Austin asked making me look up towards him.

"Yes i must, got a problem with it?" I asked raising an eyebrow, smiling slightly. He smiled back before leaning down, putting his lips on mine. Butterflies were by now having a freaking party in my stomach. The feeling of his lips on mine was probably the best feeling ever. I pulled back smiling at him before turning towards rudolf who was smirking at us.

"I got a picture" he said teasingly handing me my phone over before nodding at us and walking back to the car.

"Rudolf" i yelled out making him turn around and give me questioning look. "Join us" i said making his eyes widen. He was about to protest when i shook my head. "You look great, why would you wanna sit around doing nothing when you could be inside eating the fuck out of the food table?" I asked raising both my eyebrows with a smile. "Let's go" i said putting my arm through his and started walking towards the entrance.

"Oh hell no" Austin yelled from behind us and pulled me back, against him. "The only person your walking with is me, now let's go rudolf" Austin said putting his arm around my waist. Rudolf laughed loudly before following us. I noticed how happy he looked that i invited him. Awh.

"Samantha" a voice squealed once we entered. I looked towards the voice and noticed that it was Dylan. Elijah and Lucas standing next to him. Jupp i invited them yesterday. I got their numbers before we left from the beach.

"Seriously Samantha?" Austin asked me with a glare. Dylan couldn't stop flirting with him the other day, and Austin has decided that he does not like him.

"Dylan" i squealed back before giving him a hug. "Don't hold back with all the flirting" i told him laughing, and he nodded with smirk. I gave both Lucas and Elijah a hug, receiving a glare from Austin. I just showed him my beautiful middle finger.

"Fuck you" Austin said to me before pulling rudolf with him and walking away, probably towards someone he knows. I looked his way and noticed him walking towards his brother and my cousins.

"I still can not believe we are here" Lucas said ,making me turn back towards him, looking around with a smile.

"We get it lucardo" Elijah said rolling his eyes before looking towards me. "I honestly can't believe i got invited to this. Thank you so much" he told me fast, making Lucas gape at him. Dylan and i shared a look before laughing.

"You guys are missing braincells, now go and enjoy. If you guys need anything, feel free to tell Austin" i said with a smile before turning away and towards my husband. I was about to reach him when i noticed his parents with his cousin. I clenched my teeth before walking towards them.

"Hello family in law" i spat coldly, sending them my best death glare. "Who decided to invite you clowns?" I asked raising an eyebrow. My dad is going to get his ass beaten today.

"I should be asking you that" Austin's dad snapped, looking annoyed. I looked towards his nephew to see him checking me out without any shame.

"Hey" i said to demon snapping my fingers. He looked up with a flirty smile. "Don't let me beat you up, you dog looking ass Pinguin. Fix that face of you before I'll take that as responsibility to do" i said bitchy, before turning back to the other two devils. "Watch what you eat, I'll be poisoning every food you look at" i said before flipping my hair before walking back the other way.

Now let's find my dad.


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