Chapter 7

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Point of view ;
Austin Alessandro de Luca




It's all over the news.

Samantha Camilla William is officially the best businesswomen in the world, her company has now officially reached the top. She is now better than her dads company too, and he already was extremely good. Not only is she now the best businesswomen, but she's the richest women in the world too.

Seriously everyone is going crazy about it.

I understand though, she got this far all alone, without any help from her family.

I'm currently sitting in the living room, watching tv. The news to be specific.  

I haven't really seen Samantha, my 'wife' today. She told me she had to go somewhere yesterday night before we went to bed. I obviously didn't ask where, i mean why would i?

I don't exactly like her presence that much.

Okay maybe i do, a little bit though.

I'm still surprised about how she dared to talk to my dad a week ago at the PA contest. But what surprised me more that day was how smart she actually is. I never thought she'd actually win for me, that's why agreed to the deal about sleeping on the couch. And when she won and told me i would sleep on the couch, i thought she'd let i go.

But how wrong was i..

Flashback :

I was casually sitting on the comfy sofa in the living room. Samantha left to have dinner with her parents or something. I do have to admit that i was a little bit disappointed when she had to leave.

I noticed how she always calls me 'bub'. And even though I've never really been a fan of nicknames, i actually like it when she calls me that. I honestly don't even remember if she ever called me by name. But knowing Samantha for this little while, i noticed she has nicknames for everyone, well she actually just gives everyone a name, without asking for their actual name.

I should really work, i have a lot of work to get done.

I got up and walked towards my MacBook that was on the kitchen counter where i left it. I grabbed it and walked back towards the living room, sitting down on the couch, and putting my feet on the table. Once i sat comfortable i opened my MacBook and started working.


I was so focused that i almost didn't realize someone was calling me on phone. I grabbed my phone from the table and looked at the caller ID. It's my mom.

"Hallo mother"

"I expect you to be at the ball next week, if you don't. Me and your dad will make sure all the money you own goes to your cousin" was the first and the last thing, because she hung up just after her threat.

What is wrong with my family.

My little sister Elena Rose De Luca probably is the only one in our family who has a relaxed live. She never got forced into doing anything, she was and is always the princess in the family.

Which made her a spoiled bitch.

Both my parents only love her, and treat her normally. My brother and i were always treated like dirt. While Elena could go on vacations with my parents, my brother and i had to work our asses off. My brother Cameron just stoped listening to my parents after he went on a vacation two years back. He turned cold, and now never visits any of us. He's at least free from my parents. They disowned him the moment he stoped listening.

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