Chapter 37

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Point of view;
Austin Alessandro De Luca




"Wanna go out for lunch?" Asher asked from in front of me. Asher and Caleb both decided to randomly visit me because they felt guilty for not being here more. I nodded and finished signing the contract i was going through before getting up.

"Are we gonna eat at tia's restaurant or another place?" Caleb asked looking up from his phone.

"Tia's place, she texted me this morning after she found out the two of you decided to visit" i said smirking. Samantha doesn't know that her cousins are here yet, and i have a feeling that she'll be really happy about it. Asher looked at me for a few seconds before starting to talk.

"How do you do it? I texted her last week to ask if i could come by and i found out that she blocked me. When i asked her why she blocked me from my moms phone, she fucking hung up" Asher said rolling his eyes. Caleb jumped up and nodded his head.

"She literally texted me yesterday saying this wait" Caleb started, turning his phone on and probably looking for the message. "She said, i regret accepting to be your godmother" Caleb continued scoffing. "I just blocked her after to be honest" he finished with a shrug. "She always tells me that she regrets it when i wanna come over, annoying woman" he added blankly. Asher looked towards me and the both of us chuckled.

"Bro, i don't think blocking her is gonna make her happy about the fact that she accepted to being your godmother" i said honestly. Knowing Tia Delaney she's gonna be pissed.

"What else should i have done, send her hearts? Delaney got no chill and we can all agree on that" Caleb said pointed.

"I agree. Where is Sammy, i miss her" Asher asked and opened the door, Caleb and i followed him out of the door into the hallway. I miss her too, i haven't seen her for two days, she was in Washington for a business trip, she should be back here around 6 pm tho, which is in an hour.

"Business trip, she'll be back in an hour" i said and he nodded. Sammy is extremely close with all of her cousins and no one could not love their relationship. She acts different with all of her cousins. I feel like she's closest with Caleb and Asher tho, since she always FaceTimes them when she did something exciting, and especially when i get her something.

Just on cue my phone started ringing. I took it out of my suit pants pocket and it was an incoming FaceTime call from my baby herself. I picked up and smiled when i noticed her gorgeous face, a pout on her lips. She's way to adorable. God i missed her so much. I hate it when either of us has to go on business trips.

"What's wrong baby" i asked knowing she always calls me pouting when she wants attention.

"I was on my way to see you bub and i broke my toe at the airport so now I'm at the hospital, can you come pick me up?" She asked sad. Asher next to me started laughing loudly, Caleb following after. At the sound of their laugher Samantha's face brightened up. I guess she realized why they were laughing after because her whole face changed and she started glaring.

"Who even breaks their toe at the airport?" Caleb asked laughing. Asher grabbed my phone from my hand and grinned at her.

"Awh did my baby sister break her toe, how sad" he said mocking her, i bit my lip trying not to laugh. I grabbed my phone back and gave him a pointed look. Asher noticed how i was trying not to laugh and started laughing again. "I have this vision in my head of how it happened and i can't stop laughing." Asher let out and Caleb nodded giving him a high five.

The billionaire's saviorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz