[never said goodbye/ricky bowen]

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this'll be short.

It's been about two days since I've last seen Ricky, when he had told me he was thinking of going with his mother and I haven't gotten a call or text. It was frustrating me.

I entered the school searching for Nini, i found her hugging on ej. "nini." when she spun around, her eyes were a bit red. "what's wrong? what happened?"

nini shrugged me off, "well say something, sheesh. have you seen ricky? i need to talk to him, and it's been two days." nini stiffened a bit, she promised not to tell that ricky left, especially to y/n.

"no, haven't seen him. EJ, c'mon." she jerked him away, and i stood there confused. my next thought of a person was big red. i found him walking alone, he didn't even look happy like he usually does. "hey big red, have you seen ricky?" i asked, and he quickly responded with a 'no' and walked off.

"what the fuck, why is everyone acting cold towards me." i asked myself.

throughout the whole day, i haven't seen ricky at all, not even in the library where he takes his naps.

gina, ashlyn, most of the cast from the play had ignored me. even miss. jenn, which is weird. something was up, and i wanted to find out fast.

as i came out of the school, i found ricky's father speaking to miss jenn, "mr bowen!" i called out, miss jenn quickly grabbed the father's wrist and yanked him away. "wait- wait!" it was too late to run after them, i groaned and stomped my foot.

"why is everyone ignoring me?!" i said out loud, then earned some looks from others. i turned around and started to walk home. it began to rain, i cursed under my breath, and slipped in my headphones. i walk listening to rihanna, diamonds. then i received a message.

it was from nini;

ninikins 🥀: he's gone yn. he told us not to tell you because you'd freak in school. i'm sorry. ❤️

i read the message over and over, i wasn't even sad, i was upset, that upset turned into me being real pissed off. i searched through my contacts for ricky's name, i clicked the call button, and put it against my ear. as it rung, it kept ringing, i already knew it was going to voicemail. it started raining harder, but i was too focused into the phone call.

the moment i heard the beep, i started going off, and as i finished up the voicemail, "i hate you, i hate you sooooo much, you couldn't even bother saying goodbye?! after you snuck into my house and held me?!" i wanted to go on so bad, but it was only a voicemail, it wasn't like i was actually speaking to him. tears mixed with the rain fell down my face, i wiped them, and calmed myself down. "lose my number too..." i ended the call.

i got home safely, i entered the house kicking off my shoes, my mother rounded the corner and looked at me, instantly she held out her arms. i rushed over towards her and hugged her tight. "i hate him.."

"i know baby, i know." she rubbed my shoulder.

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