[2|ricky bowen]

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The next morning, (y/n) thought about skipping the classes she had with ricky, and his girlfriend. she even thought about not telling kourtney.

"So let me get this straight, your parents questioned about the relationship between you two, and you two blew out?" Kourtney tried understanding, Ricky nodded his head.

"Yeah, I don't get her! She's jealous of my relationship with Nini." Ricky shrugged his shoulders, thinking he was right.

"Okay, wait. . She's not so much jealous of your relationship with Nini, it's just she needed someone in her corner, and you were that person. I wasn't as close with her then, but everything she's been telling me. . it's what you nee-" Kourtney head turned seeing (y/n) rushing down the halls.

"Oh crap, she's coming. Go! Go!" Kourtney pushes him away, Ricky was completely caught off guard. He fixed himself and went to search for Nini. And when he did she was at her locker giggling with EJ. Twirling her hair extensions, his bushy eyebrows furrowed as he slowly walked up to them.

"Hey, Nini." He called out from behind her, she quickly turned around and smiled, kissing Ricky's cheek. "Hey, babe. You remember EJ?"

"No, no I don't." Ricky looked down at Nini, "so I booked us a lane at the alley, we still on for that?"

Nini facepalmed herself, "Ricky, I-I totally forgot, I'm helping EJ study."

"Study with what? You two don't even have the same class." He wasn't wrong about that, what could they possibly study?

"Ricky, please do not start that." Her and this soft ass voice, he didn't like that. He scoffed and walked away;

"Ricky." Nini followed but EJ pulled her back, telling her to leave him be, and what she do? Listened to him.

Free period was what ricky was waiting for, part of him wanted a nap and the other part wanted him to think.

he entered the library and went straight to the back. He found (y/n) with her headphones in, and possibly writing in her diary. He stopped in his tracks, just staring at her.

Glancing up, she seen him then returned back to her writing. Nothing was going to stop him from sitting at the table he's picked out and had been sitting since school started. Ricky pulled out the chair, and instantly (y/n) swiftly gathered all her belongings. He then rolled his eyes, letting out a scoffed afterwards.

"You can roll your pathetic eyes and make noise all you want." He kind of froze, he thought she was listening to music.

"Look, I didn't come here to fight with you, okay? So just take your little things and go." Ricky pointed towards the exit.

"Matter of fact, I'm not going anywhere, because why? I was here first."

"Now now, you should know I don't care who was here first, I don't care if you were here first, and I for sure don't care if you existed." Ricky said, and then added. "Also, my name is labeled on this, maybe you should use your big eyes to look." He pointed to the front of the table.

It kind of hurt her, she didn't even have anything to say, Ricky just chuckled. (y/n) made sure she had everything before storming away from him. His face softened, he got up quickly to follow after her, but she was already gone. His eyes fell down to her diary that she dropped, he picked it up.

What do I do, what do I do?

Ricky made it his business to snoop through, like he usually do. It's been awhile so he read from where he last stopped at.

That whole day, a lot was going through Ricky's mind, his heart was crushed finding out the things (Y/N) wanted to tell him before he was in a relationship.

Kourtney was right. No duh! She's always right!

Ricky was on a look out for (Y/N), Kourtney notified him that she had three big exams today, and he knew she'd be exhausted from sitting in a classroom alone for four hours.

He waited nearby her locker, his eyes switch back and forth down the halls. There she came, she definitely looked tired, she was rushing, and rushing through people.

"Hey, hey-" Ricky reached out to grab onto her, but she shook her head, and kept walking. He picked up his feet and followed her.

"I know you're mad at me, but c'mon talk to me."

"Leave me alone ricky, I have no energy in arguing with you. I just want to go home, and sleep." It really showed, even in her voice.

"Here's your diary- I went through it, why didn't you say anything?" Ricky held it out while his other hand rubbed her shoulder.

She grew mad, she snatched it away from him. "What gave you the right to go through it?!"

"Hey- chill, you're drawing a crowd. Come with me, my moms picking me up, and we can head to my house."

"No! No- ricky, you cannot keep playing with my mind, we're nothing to each other, ok? Accept that, and leave me alone." It sounded like her voice cracked, she looked around and stumbled away.

Kourtney rushed after her friend, "(Y/N)- wait!" she glanced at ricky, he nervously shoved his hands into his pants pockets before going to his moms car.

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