Stupid Wish chap. 15

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Stupid wish chap. 15

"what is it?" I asked.

"it's complicated dangerous plan," she sighed.

"but we have to do it anyway right?"

"yes, but there has to be another way. I don't want to lose you."

"well, I don't want to die either but we don't have an option."

"I've already lost one daughter I don't want to lose another."

"if we don't do it I'll die anyway," I shrugged.

I turned around when I heard Bentley walking up the stairs. He looked exhausted and overwhelmed, but he still had that fierce look in his eyes.

"can we go over the plan now?" he asked.

"sure, we are going to go to the depths of tutaris, because we believe that is where traitor is located. While we are there you, Bentley, and other demigods will be staying in a secure cabin. Hopefully, we will find traitor and we will destroy him."

"and by 'we' you mean who exactly?" I asked .

"the gods," she replied.

"why are you putting me in a cabin?" I asked.

"think about it Reagan. If we go down there and traitor distracts us then you will be captured," Bentley said.

"but all of your putting your lives at risk for me," I argued.

"of course we are darling, you are one of us and we always fight to keep each other safe. That is how we have survived for millenniums." Aphrodite said.

"when are we going to leave?" Bentley asked.

"the gods are gathering tonight to take you all to the cabin and we will leave in the morning."

"you shouldn't risk all of your lives for me." I added.

"we aren't doing this just for you honey, traitor has been trying to kill off gods and goddesses forever. we are protecting ourselves, humanity, and you at the same time," Aphrodite answered.

"how many other demigods are going to be with me?"

"there are around 3000 demigods alive today but all of the gods are separating their children so not all of them will die if traitor finds one cabin. The cabin you are going to will be all of my children along with apollos and Artemis' children. Zeus's children will be in another cabin in England. Hermes children will be in Switzerland, and so on."

"how many of my siblings are going to be with me?" I asked.

"thirty, and we need to leave right now if we're going to make it on time." she said walking around me and heading down the stairs.

Bentley and I followed her to a silver door in the corner, that I didn't notice before. She opened it up and looked behind her to see us staring at her in amazement. She was getting ready to walk into a ferocious battle with an awful enemy, but her face didn't show any emotion. She didn't look scared or worried. She looks calm and put together. Once she opened the door a bright golden light came out, and I no longer saw Aphrodite. I felt a tug on my arm and a push towards the door. By the time I realized what was going on I was no longer in Adaneus; I was now a cabin with 30 some odd men and Aphrodite. All of them were staring at me including Aphrodite. When I looked at my surroundings I realized we were in a wooden cabin. This must be the cabin I was supposed to stay in.

All of my brothers looked different. Some of my brothers had blonde hair others had brown. Most had hazel eyes but others had blue and green. It was painfully obvious that my brothers were also illegitimate children who were fathered by one of Aphrodite's lovers.

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