Chapter 31

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Edward P.O.V

I can't believe she was defending that bitch, I can't believe we fought because of her and worst of all, I yelled at her. I've never done that to her, never wished and just because Tanya got on my goddamn nerves I snapped at my girlfriend.

Once I got home I took the bottle of vodka my dad had in his cabinet and drank it in my room. Good thing everyone is out today.

Alice starts calling me.


"Don't snap at me, asshole!" She yells. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Where the fuck are you?!"

"What do you want, Alice?!"

"I said don't fucking snap at me!" She snaps, back. "Do you have any idea of how is Bella right now, fucking idiot?! I called you to come and get Tanya to leave! What do you do? Snap at Bella!"

"What the hell did you want me to do?! How did you expect me to react?! That bitch is trying to manipulate her and what does she do? She fucking defends her!"

"I know that, Edward, but that's no reason on why snapping at Bella. The worst part of it is that you walked out on her, in a fight! You never back out on a fight with a girl!"

"What do you want me to do?!" I growl, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Don't you think I regret fighting with her. Don't you think I don't feel bad every time I remember her telling me not to yell at her!"

"You're such an idiot," she growls.

"What is she doing right now?" I ask.

"She's locked in her room, crying, because of your stupid ass. I wish I could punch you right now."

"Not helping, Alice," I say, taking a sip of the vodka.

"Wait... You sound weird now that you're not shouting... Fuck, Edward are you drinking dad's vodka?!"

"Hm, nope," I smile.

"Edward, you're such an idiot! Why are you doing this?!"

"Because! I hate being mad at my girlfriend! I hate that I got pissed at her and she is now crying in her room!"

"God, I'll be there in five minutes."

"No!" I shout. "I don't want to see anyone who isn't My Bella! She's the only one I want to see but she's too busy being pissed at me for being such an ass!"

"I can't believe you, bastard! I'll be there!" She hangs up.

"Fuck you, Alice!" I shout to the phone and throw the phone to the wall. I really don't want to see anyone who's not Bella. Yeah I may be a asshole, bastard, idiot, whatever, but I'm hers. I'm only hers.

I lay I'm bed, hugging the bottle, taking sips every five seconds ignoring the ache in my throat. I really didn't pay much attention on how much I was drinking until the bottle didn't pour anymore venom to my throat.

"Fucking bastard!" I throw it to the ground, letting it break to a million pieces.

"Edward! Edward, open the fucking door!" Alice bangs on the door. "Edward, open up!"

"Go away, Alice! I don't want to see anyone!" I shout.

"Edward, sweety, it's me Bella," her voice cracks a little. "Edward, please open up!"

"Bella?" I stand up and walk to the door. When I open it she stands there holding her stick, her cheeks are dry with tears. "You're here..."

"You smell like alcohol," she wrinkles her nose. "I can smell it from here."

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