I hated her. But I have come to love her. Like a best friend.

Inside the bathroom I grabbed my black toothbrush, squeezing a pea sized amount of toothpaste and moved to brush when I realized I could be late "Max what class are you having fir-" I turned to the door but that pixie haircut is standing there with her bed hair and rumbled pj's

She looked funny.

Never mind I'm guessing Max already left, the mirror was still a bit foggy from the cold temperature clouding it.

In seconds she's beside me preparing to brush as well I assume.
It wasn't mandatory to but somehow it reminds you of the mundane times as a vampire you don't even need to shower except you get stained.

Vampires don't smell.

Weird because typically dead things smell. One of the many mysteries that surround vampirism."Excuse me"The girl said to me making me frown.

Why does she get under my skin so much?

"What?"I asked as I spat out the foam in mouth. "that's mine"The pixie cut said

My eyes moved down to the direction she was pouting and the shock I felt was double of the same sensation of finding out that you're dead.
"W-what?!" Was all I could mutter as my eyes met with my mine in the cup with my D insignia on it.

Bloody hell.

Even after I had placed it down in shame and horror this bloody girl picked up the same brush and used it like nothing happened like I hadn't just used and placed it on the cold sink not long ago whilst maintaining eye contact.


*Bell rings*

"And she just used it like I wasn't just shoving it down my throat some seconds ago"I whispered to Max in class "Woah she's crazy"Max said placing her books on the desk.

"Psycho crazy to be exact"I wrinkled my nose in disgust as the image of the pixie cut came to me, thankfully she wasn't in my class. How awkward would that have been.

"How did we ever end up with such a psycho"Max said with a sarcastic singsong tone "This isn't funny Max" I warned her but she just raised her hands in defense"I'm not laughing"

The teacher walked in quietly and that's about when everybody shuts their yaps. "You're obviously not taking me seriously"I said after making Max scoff.

I must be weird to say scoff when I do scoff, or it must be because I spent summer with William my long time vampire friends from Europe those species don't breathe just pretend to by raising their chest and shoulders up and down momentarily.

It was strange even after they've had blood they still weren't able to breathe or for them feel warm at least. Even tho at the end of the day every vampire is pale but the blood warms the body at least.

And coffee of course

"Well Dana I don't think you've noticed but you're always overthinking stuff and I honestly think you should live a little...girl"Max said breaking me out of my thoughts. Also pushing my shoulder a little.

"I'm going to get her transferred," I say back.
"what's that gonna solve? you're her student guide"

I know she's right but I hate that she's right. Speaking of students I'm to guide,
Klaus walked into the class late and slightly disoriented.

Oops, he got lost.

"Morgan to your seat please"The teacher said not even turning around.
"Speaking of one of my students" I smirked.
"Dana! a Morgan? are you out of your mind?"Max couldn't contain her disapproval. Like I cared about that.

"What?! I like the chase"I smiled wildly watching Klaus awkwardly look for a seat. "it excites me"

"Yeah like the last chase wasn't bad enough"Max commented narrowing her eyes to where Zagan sat at the back."That won't happen again"I looked over at Zagan giving him the stink eye.

I wouldn't know where to start to describe that guy. The hot ones always think the world revolves around them.
Bloody fool.
Zagan's eyes slowly moved to me, I must have been staring too long but he didn't even react except roll his stupid cute black eyes.

I hated that he got under my skin, and did I just call his eyes cute? I'd have to sanitize my mind with holy water even if it'd burn me "That punk"

The class went on quietly as usual as I watched Morgan work, he looked as lost as a stray, scratching his hair and biting down at his pencil before randomly canceling his work and ripping the page off only to crumple it and shove it in his bag attached to the side of the desk.

He was miserable. How cute!

"Morgan do you have a challenge?"The teacher suddenly asked Klaus looking dumbfounded as the pencil in his mouth clattered onto the desk.
Everyone's eyes moved toward him now because of the sound of the pencil.

I know everybody was already on their toes having Herlz Morgan's sire or son nobody even knew if he had a son or just sired one.

Many stories but not one evidence to back it up.

That's why he was so feared so many tales and stories about him and the mystery of it all is what keeps everybody on their toes.
But something everybody can agree and attest to was his dangerous attributes.

You wouldn't want to mess with him or his own. Many people have said and confesses on the tyrant that was Herlz almost a century ago killing all those who crossed him along sides their families and whoever they've ever talked to

"Er...no sir"Klaus said quietly picking the pencil up. Was his humility an act? I wonder. "Then please stop the insistent tapping of your pencil"the teacher cautioned.
"Sorry"he murmured quietly.

I smiled.

He definitely was a catch I cannot wait to sink my teeth into. The class went on as usual till the bell rung. I know max would hate me for ditching her but I'm on a mission here.

"So how was class?" Klaus looked as tho I had scared him when I asked "Dana!"He screamed holding his chest.
"Hi! That's me!"she smiled at him.

"Please don't scare me like that"Klaus begged holding his chest "Oh come on I didn't even blur"his eyebrows furrowed.


"Many people have multiple names for it but you know blurring is kinda the traditional name you know?"I whisked my hand in the air, give or take, I know the Morgan's are old so maybe they don't say blurring.

"I'm not even going to pretend like I know what you're talking about you're weird" he said trying to walk away faster but I just sped up my pace a little while my heels clicked after him.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"


"Oh great me too"I try but he's not giving me an entry point.
Hard to get
I like it.

Klaus sighed then started looking around the hallway "Let me guess looking for the class?"i try not to laugh.

"No...?"he looked at the paper in his hands and back around "...maybe"

"Let me look at that" I say as I grabbed the schedule scanning quickly through it making very fast mental notes for future purposes. "Oh! Biology" I loved biology "I'll walk you"

"Er..."Klaus snatched the schedule from me "just point towards the direction I should take and I'm good"

"Don't be so stubborn and follow me"


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