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- Four Years Later -

Aurora decided to train to become an Avenger.

Tony was proud and scared.

The Avengers had taken the fight to space over the years, fighting battles in the stars. The closest one to Earth that had happened was on the moon, and that was why there was a giant crater on it that wasn't there before.

The last four years had been very eventful for the Stark family.

In January of 2013, Olivia Julia Stark and Elliot Oscar Stark were born.

Yep, twins.

Ultron very nearly happened, but it had been Pepper who talked him out of it and helped him through the nightmare Wanda Maximoff had showed him. Vision was still created, but Jarvis stayed alive.

In October of 2015, Nebula was adopted into the family, making her name Nebula Ara Stark. She had joined their side in the battle against Thanos, her horrible father who looked like a purple grape. It was when they got to know Nebula and found out she was only seventeen that they adopted her.

It took Pepper and Nick locking the Avengers in a room to sort out the Accords a few months ago. It had nearly turned into a mass fight, but Tony was glad it didn't come to that. The Avengers were part of his family.

After a long search, mysteries unraveled, and talking it out, Bucky, Wanda, and Pietro became part of that family, too.

It was now March 5th, 2016. Aurora's powers had only grown stronger in the years and she had decided she wanted to become an Avenger.

"Are you sure, star? It's a big commitment," Tony had asked as he, Pepper, and their seventeen year old daughter sat at the table. The other kids were in bed, except for Nebula who was watching TV in her room upstairs. Cookie was curled up by Tony's feet while Bubba was probably in one of the kid's rooms.

"Yes, Dad. I'm sure," Aurora said, grey eyes bright with determination.

"Do you want to continue college?" Pepper asked. She'd been taking classes online for MIT.

"I'm almost done with my degrees. I'll be graduated in a month."

"How about we start the training after that?" Tony suggested, taking another sip of his coffee. Aurora looked about to protest so he quickly explained, "Star, you don't need to pile your work up like that. MIT is already stressful as it is, I know because Jarvis tells us your sleeping patterns."

Aurora huffed, but didn't argue.

"Are you really sure about this, sweetheart?" Pepper asked, squeezing their daughter's shoulder lightly. "You thought it all the way through?"

The teen put one hand on top of Pepper's and her other in Tony's. "I promise I have thought this all the way through. I want to be an Avenger."

Pepper and Tony shared a lightening fast conversation with their eyes. Tony squeezed her hand and said, "We trust you to make this decision. Just know that you can come to us for help at any time."

"I know. I love you both."

"We love you, too. To the moon and back, our shooting star."


Then thirteen year old Peter got spider powers from a field trip to Oscorp (Tony hated Oscorp more than ever now) and became Spider-Man.

Nebula finished her training and went on her first mission right after that, coming back extremely successful.

Three year old Elliot and Olivia took apart the toaster because, in their words, "they wanted to see if they could cook eggs in it."

Eleven year old Harley made his own suit of armor for when he was older and won four state science fairs in a row.

Vision got engaged to Wanda during a trip to Paris.

Seven year old Morgan, who was already in the 8th grade level, started creating music and her first song went viral.

Rhodey became an official Avenger with the War Machine suit.

Yinsen was awarded for being an amazing surgeon.

Happy became leader of all security in the Stark Indutries building in New York.

Natasha started dating Bruce after some (well, alot) pushing from Tony and some advice from Pepper.

Nick continued to be the doting grandfather he was and spoiling all the Pepperony couple's children.

The fun never stops in the Stark family.

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