Afghanistan (Part 2)

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Tony dreamed every night during his capture. Or at least, when he could sleep.

There were dreams of Rhodey and Happy, even nightmares about Obadiah, but he dreamed mostly of Pepper. Sweet, amazing, helpful Pepper.

The doctor woke him up the morning of their big plan. If Tony had his way, which he would, there would not be another night sleeping in those musty, dirty, dangerous caves.

Yinsen told him about how they had met before. Tony cursed himself for not remembering. Another thing he had done wrong, but would try to make right.

His new friend had asked if he had a family.

"Yes," Tony had replied quietly, "but I need to treat them better, or else I may lose them."

"They are your family," Yinsen had said, "they will always be with you. Like mine is."

A few nights before, Tony had created the Arc Reactor. When Raza threatened Yinsen, their work speed increased tenfold. They needed out of there. Tony would make sure both of them got out.

Tony recited the steps he had to walk as Yinsen buttoned him up. He could hear men yelling outside, expected because they were on camera. There was no hiding what they were doing now.

It was a miracle they hadn't noticed sooner.

The trap worked wonderfully, but that was their last line of defense until the suit powered up.

"I'll hold them off." Yinsen said, going to grab the lost gun.

"No!" Tony shouted vehemently, making Yinsen stop. He looked suprised, and Tony felt suprised at himself.

He stole a glance at the loading screen. Halfway.

"Hold on." He whispered.

"Tony, it will be too late. Let me-"

"No," Tony insisted sternly. "Yinsen.... I know your family is gone. I can see it when you talk about them."

"You are perceptive Mr. Stark."

"I've learned a lot in these past few months. Peceptivity is one skill I have grown to use a lot."

The computer made a soft ding just as Tony could see figures moving outside the cracked door. The yelling grew louder as all the lights cut out and the suit powered up.

Tony moved. He was extremely concious of where Yinsen was as he moved forward. Wires snapped and sparked.

"Don't go until it is clear," the twenty-three year old said, wary of how silent things had become. The lights slowly came back on, letting him see Yinsen nod.

Tony burned the place down. He left a path for him and Yinsen to get out, but he made sure all the weapons were burned. They had Stark written on them, but they were not given by him. There was no signing by him.

Obadiah had to be dealing under the table, and Tony had to fix that. Starting by getting rid of every stolen, black marketed weapon.

Once he and Yinsen were out of burn zone, he put fire to the rest of the place.

They walked.

Tony had to leave the suit behind, but without the Arc Reactor, it was virtually useless.

The sun was hot on their backs. Sweat drowned Tony's hair and both had sweat dripping of their faces.

Everything ached. Tony felt like they had walked for miles. At some point, he'd pulled his shoulder. He didn't know how bad the damage was, but it hurt. So did his chest. The Arc Reactor must be expelling .... he was so hot he couldn't remember what it was called.

Finally, just when Tony was a out to believe he couldn't walk anymore, he heard the sound of a helicopter.


"I see it!"

They waved their hands wildly. Tony felt his heart soar higher than the suit ever could when it started to land. He dropped down to his knees, Yinsen standing right behind him.

Rhodey was first off the jet, yelling, "Tony!"

The inventor practically fell into his brother's arms.

"Three months," he heard Rhodey whisper. "Three terrible months."

"I'm back," Tony said hoarsely, throat dry as the sand they were on.

Rhodey helped him up. Other men were helping Yinsen stay standing as both were escorted to the helicopter.

His brother's arm was tight around him. "Who's he?" He asked.

"Yinsen. Ho Yinsen. He's the doctor who patched me up after.... that happened."

"What injuries do you and Yinsen have?"

"Yinsen hasn't said anything. My shoulder hurts a lot, I think I pulled it while flame throwing that place."

"Flame throwing?"

"We built a suit. I wore it and we got out of there."

"Okay," he sighed. "We'll talk more about that later. Any other injuries?"

"One, but I doubt bandages will fix it."

"What is it?" Rhodey asked, face pinched with worry as he helped Tony sit on the jet next to Yinsen. Another soldier pushed bottles of water into their hands.

Tony glanced around, then murmered close to Rhodey's ear. "I'll tell you later. Too many people around. Did you get any dirt on Stane?"

Rhodey nodded.

"Let me guess. Dealing under the table?"

"How did you know?"

"Long story, I'll tell you later. We need to investigate more, too."

"Okay, but let's not talk about it now. You and Mr-"

"Doctor." Tony corrected.

"Dr. Yinsen need to rest. Drink your water and when we get back we'll get you both checked out, then you can sleep."

Tony goes to protest, then sighed and nodded. "Pepper? Happy?"

"We'll call them."

Tony sagged into the uncomfortable bench, leaning more on Rhodey as he drank some water shakily, Rhodey steadying him. "Good."

"I'm glad to have you back, Tones."

"I'm glad to be back," he murmered. "Love you, bro."

"Love you, too."

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