Titans Forever Pt. 1

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Y/N: Not very stealthy now is it?

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Y/N: Not very stealthy now is it?

Dick: No. Not really.

You and Dick were standing in the "courtyard" of the Titan's Tower. The large T shape building was sitting in the middle of the bay in between San Fransisco and Oakland giving it the perfect view of both cities.

Dick: Kinda glad you chose to be a Titan. They haven't had a Bat kid since Tim dropped out for the Team.

Y/N: That a good thing or a bad thing?

You were wearing a plain white shirt, some jeans, a pair of black converse, and a black leather jacket with red trimming. Your hair was a bit of a mess but Alfred had cut it before coming sending you away so it only reached the middle of your neck. Over your should you held your duffle bag.

Dick was wearing a red button up left open to show his Grayson's Circus shirt and a pair of jeans with boots. He also had a green jacket he left in the car that was parked behind you.

Y/N: So, what's it like being a titan?

Dick shrugged.

Dick: It's pretty neat. We're kinda like a mini Justice Leauge except we're actually friends. First off there's Garfield who has been a member since day one though he was a kid so he kinda grew up in the Titans. He's your age I think. Funny guy. Then there's Raven who is the complete opposite. She's what you could call, Goth? Star fire leads the Titans. She's my age and, uh, my ex. Long story but she's a princess of an alien race that was pretty much kicked out. Then there's Bart. He takes some getting used to. Actually from the future like you.

You looked at him with a blank face. You really just spaced out but was too embarrassed to say anything.

Y/N: Neat.

You turned back to the tower to see the front door open and a rather beautiful woman walk out. Her skin was orange and her eyes were green. Starfire you guess.

Y/N: So I'm guessing they don't wear much on her planet?

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Y/N: So I'm guessing they don't wear much on her planet?

Dick shook his head.

Dick: We always tell her to update her costume but she doesn't listen.

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