🌺Chapter 3 - I met ,,someone"

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,,So, Miss Andersson, come here and tell us something about you." Teacher told me. I stood in front of the board. ,,So, hello. My name is Hedvika Andersson, i'm seventeen years old. I'm from San Francisco so, I can't speak Korean. I like listening to music, drawing, reading and...that's all." ,, Thank you." Teacher smiled at me. ,,Now, please sit down next to Nari." A girl, who was sitting at the third desk, waved. I sat down and she leaned forward to me: ,, Hi, I'm Nari. Are you really from San Francisco? You must tell me about this city and country. My biggest dream is going to the USA, but I can't yet." Her brown eyes shined. She had long light brown hair, and seemed friendly and energic. I smiled at her. ,,Nice to meet you." ,,Too." She giggled.
Suddenly, I heard someone's voice, coming from a place in front of me: ,,Hey." I looked at the boy. He had short brown hair and dark brown eyes. His face lines were gentle. He smiled: ,, I'm Jeon Kai. Welcome in this class." ,,Thank you." I shyly smiled back. ,, But..." I asked confused: ,,Which part of your name is name and which is surname?" He laughed quietly. ,, Kai is a name and Jeon is a surname. In Korean we put surname first." ,,Oh. That sounds quite difficult." I said, worried. ,,There are more difficult things than this in Korean." He smiled softly. I blushed. Then, I saw somebody point at me so I looked around. Many people whispered to each other and gave us weird looks. ,,Why are they staring at us? We aren't noisy, are we?" I asked him. Kai sighed, sadly. ,,They're staring, because you're talking to me. I'm not very popular in this class." He looked down. ,,Yes, because you have the best grades, you are quiet, and you're weird!" Nari shouted at him. I looked at her, shocked. ,,I'm just different. You can't understand it." He answered her sadly and turned back to his desk.

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