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Al and James (N) walked down the hall to the common room under the invisibility cloak, when Al heard a voice. The voice was strange. It wasn't talking, it sounded like it was hissing.

"James, did you hear that?" Al asked.

"Hear what? A teacher coming?" James (N) asked. Al heard it again. But this time, his head felt heavy, dizzy. He felt like his head is spinning around, and around, and around. "AAAARGHH!"

"When time is turned,
When the future meets the past,
When the children kills a friend,
2 shall be spared,
but the Dark Lord shall remain."

"Al, are you ok?" James (N) asked.

"Huh, what happened?" Al looks confused, even though he is in the same hall.

"You sort of screamed, hissed and said something like a prophecy....? I don't even understand what just happened," James (N) said.

"Hissed?" Al asked.

"Not exactly, it was like you just spoke Parseltongue," James (N) replied, unsure with himself.

"Parseltongue? Prophecy? I think I need some sleep," Al said, rubbing his eyes. But that night, Albus couldn't sleep. He laid awake on a matress, thinking. Actually, he remembered that he spoke Parseltongue. He knew he could. He spoke to a snake once. He also remembered that there was a prophecy. He tried to recall and write it.

"What are you doing at 3 am in the morning?" Teddy asked, slightly annoyed by the light. Albus told him everything because he felt like Teddy is a trustworthy brother.

"Ok, so James tried to sneak out, you tried to save him, y'all got chase by dad - err, I mean Remus - , then you spoke Parseltongue and heard a weird hissing noise saying a prophecy?" Teddy asked, trying to figure out what the hecc did Al just said. "What was the prophecy again?"

"It's on the paper," Al answered.

"We need Rose and Scorpius, the smart ones, tomorrow we'll figure it out, don't worry, now, get some rest," Teddy said assuringly. Al tried to sleep and at last, he could.

~Hogwarts, 2021~

"Wait, did anyone check the moon calender?" Ginny asked.

"I don't think we did, besides, the students are still sleeping and we wouldn't want anyone to see us," Harry said.

"We'll do it tomorrow morning?" Astoria asked.

"Yes, we will, don't worry," Harry answered.

~Hogwarts, 1975~ (Next morning)

"You never told me you could speak Parseltongue!" Rose exclaimed, after Al and James (N) explained everything.

"Whoa! You can speak Parseltongue?!" Sirius said.

"Wicked," James (T) said.

"Aren't we going to solve the riddle?" Scorpius asked.

"Yes, we are going to, but I think it will be better if we call our parents first," Lily (N) said. The heard someone crying. It was Remus.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry," he said between tears.

"No, no, don't worry, it's my fault," James (N) said.

"But I'm the one who chased you, the one who-who," Remus gulped. "Almost bit you."

"I'm calling dad," Al said. He grabbed James' double-sided mirror.

"Harry Potter," Al said.

"Al! I was going to call you but... ok," Harry said.

"Owh gimme that," they heard Draco said.
"Kids, we're going to test a time-turner. It's broken, so only 5 minutes, ok?" He continued.

"Yes, dad, although we called because we need to explain some things," Scorpius replied.

"Oh, what did you do this time?" Draco said, doing a face palm.

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