"It's A Full Moon!"

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~Hogwarts, 1975~

"Why is Moony so pale?" Lily (N) asked Sirius.

"Remember, tonight's a full moon," Sirius answered.

"Oh ya - oh no -," Rose replied.

"Is he going to be alright?" Albus asked.

"Well, should be," said a voice behind them, it was Remus.

"Oh, hey, Remus," Lily (N) greeted, trying to lighten the mood.

"Hey, Lily, don't worry about me. I deal with this every month," Remus said, smiling.

"Can we accompany you?" asked Lily (N).

"No, you can't, Lily," Rose said. Remus bit his lip.

"Rose is right," James (T) said. "But me, Padfoot and Wormy can."

"That's not fair!" Lily (N) said.

~Potter Mansion, 2021~

"This time-turner have a limited time, 5 minutes only, since it's broken," Hermione explained.

"Let's test it," Draco said, impatiently.

"We need to get to Hogwarts," Harry said.

"I'll go," Ginny said.

"Me, Angelina and Astoria are going to do some reasearch on how to fix a time-turner," George stated.

The 4 people flooed to Hogwarts and the Headmaster was already there.

"Headmaster McGonagall," Harry said.

"Hello, Potter. What happened?" she asked in reply.

"Well, the kids time travelled to 1975," Ginny answered. The Headmaster did a face palm.

"What is it with your kids and time travelling? Very well then, where are they?" McGonagall asked.

"In the boys' dormitory, 1975," Draco answered.

~Hogwarts, 1975~

The time for Remus to transform came. It was 8 pm and the teachers smuggled Remus out. Soon enough, the Marauders joined.

"Can I join you, please," James (N) pleaded.

"No, it's too dangerous," Scorpius said, trying to pull James.

"The Malfoy's right," Sirius answered.

"Fine," James (N) said. Later that night, James (N) snuck out without anyone knowing.

He went down to the Shrieking Shack, partly scared. He has never seen a REAL werewolf transforming on a REAL full-moon. "It's ok, Sirius, James and Peter are there, no worries," James (N) said to himself. He knew how to freeze the tree because he went there a couple times already.

"What are you doing?!" someone said from the back. It was Albus.

"How did you-?" James (N) asked.

"Invisibility cloak, what are you doing here?!" Al asked again.

"Uhh," James (N) answered.

"Don't." Al replied.

"Please, just a sneak peak?" James (N) bribed.

"Fine," Al said. They walked down the hall and approached the Whomping Willows.

"Who's gonna stop it?" asked Al.

"Me," James (N) replied, walking towards the violent tree and touched the knot. The two walked, under the invisibility cloak, cautious. They reached the Shrieking Shack, opened the invisibility cloak and saw Lupin. Unfortunately, Remus saw them, too.

He started running towards them. They saw a stag, dog and rat following Remus. When the stag saw them, he gave them a glare and a look that says: 'RUN NOW'. The boys ran and stumbled at each other. The werewolf was catching up. The boys got up and ran back to the halls, thinking that they lost him and thought that the night couldn't gotten any worse, but they were wrong, very wrong.

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